Leadership Development - Katie Belanger

7 Questions with Katie Belanger on Leadership Development

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Katie has over 20 years of experience in social justice and political work. Throughout these years, she has worked with nonprofits and for-profit organizations, boards and staff teams, as well as coalitions and campaigns to align around a shared mission, build robust implementation plans to engage leaders, foster leadership development and deliver real success to the communities they serve. In 2015, Katie launched her own company, Katie B. Strategies, LLC, which is a owned business committed to equity and representation. Katie B. Strategies exists to bring individuals and teams together to design actionable change. This week, we asked her questions about her experience and career.

Joe Weston Answers 7 Questions

7 Questions with Joe Weston, Respectful Confrontation Expert

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Joe Weston is the founder of the Weston Network, which trains corporations, governments, and other organizations on communication, productivity, and time and stress management. Joe Weston works with individuals to build their self-confidence, enrich their relationships, and gain clarity in their life goals.

advocacy training person writing in notebook

Advocacy Training Programs: Find the Right Public Affairs Training

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

We strongly believe in continued learning and leadership development and advocacy training programs at The Campaign Workshop. We even budget resources for our own staff to continuously learn throughout the year, ensuring they’re constantly growing in the areas that they’re interested in.

Leadership skills - arrow with one leading ahead

Leadership Skills: Everyone Has Them

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Every good campaign manager is always thinking about how to develop and grow the leadership skills on their team. Everyone dreams of retiring someday, but many campaign managers and organizers often think there will be no one to pass the baton.

Group of cut out paper people