Email Campaign Management Quick Tips
build my list

How Can I Build My List For Fundraising?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

List building is an art and a science. When you start a campaign your friends and family are pumped up, you have some committed volunteers, and maybe you even have an official campaign Facebook page.  One key question remains, can you raise the money?  This is where list building comes in.

video storytelling
trump photos
digital advocacy
digital advocacy
Member Public Affairs Strategy
content marketing for politics

Content Marketing For Politics

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

In my 20 years working in politics, I have seen a lot of things change. Technology in particular has done a lot to change the way that we communicate with voters. Yet somehow, we in politics have access to more information about our audience than ever before, but our audience engagement is at an all time low.

Digital Advocacy Webinar

Digital Advocacy Webinar Series

by The Campaign Workshop

We are happy to announce that we are launching The Digital Advocacy Webinar Series sponsored by EveryAction. This four part webinar series will cover advocacy topics ranging from digital ad buying, developing a winning advocacy strategy, and goal setting for digital advertising campaigns. The first webinar in the series will be on content marketing for advocacy campaigns.


Harnessing the Power of Negative Keywords

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Do you know what a negative keywords are? As anyone who has ever used Google can attest, what comes up in your search is not always relevant to what you were actually looking for. Negative keywords are very specific words or phrases that you want to block from your target keyword list in an ad campaign to ensure that your ads will not be shown around those specific words. These words often share grammatical similarities to keywords you would like to target, but have a vastly different meaning.