Person typing on laptop

How to Write a Blog Post the Easy Way

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

This is probably the most meta blog post ever written. A blog post about writing a blog post. However, writing a blog post is not always intuitive for folks. Often, people who are asked to write a blog post for their organization don’t get the direction they need to write an effective post that yields traffic. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect! Become a master blog writer with these tips:

nonprofit content marketing

Nonprofit Content Marketing: Everyone Should Write

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We started inbound marketing 3 years ago and now we advise other organizations and companies on how to do it in a fun and impactful way. My best tips for keeping nonprofit content marketing fresh is to get your team and customers involved. Blogging and other forms of content can get old fast if it is just one-person blogging (trust me!)