The Campaign Workshop Blog is hosted by The Campaign Workshop, an advocacy and political consulting firm. We write about tactics for advocacy, membership, civic engagement, and progressive politics.  We post weekly, and also publish ebooks, host webinars, and The How to Win a Campaign Podcast. Sign up to learn more.   

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TCW staff member telling some advocacy tips to outlines of people

Effective Advocacy Campaign Tips: What You Need to Know

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Running an effective advocacy campaign demands more than just passion and good intentions. It takes skill, strategy, planning, and a whole lot of hard work. 

So, how do you cut through the noise, build support for your cause, and create real, lasting change? The following will give you some of the essential tips for running a winning advocacy campaign and building a roadmap for success.

Woman running with a campaign toolbox and campaign sign

Elevate Your Campaign Toolbox

by Enrique Rivas (He/Him)

Running a campaign on a tight budget? We get it. That’s why we compiled a list of free tools to include in your campaign toolbox to make your efforts more efficient. From launching your campaign to streamlining operations, these free tools can make a difference. 

A person shrugging in front of a spectrum from Republican to Democrat

Non-Partisan Elections: Ideology Matters

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

In local non-partisan elections, ideology matters—and so does having a vision that spans beyond anti-Trumpism. Because nonpartisan officials control budgets and make a real impact in our local communities, it is worth your time as a candidate in one of these races to cultivate a clear and appealing platform in your campaign.

A person steering a ship guided by core values

Core Values Shape Nonprofit Culture

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Over the years we have developed a list of The Campaign Workshop’s core values that align both with the company culture we want to foster and the staff members we want to attract.

Person telling a story with data from a podium

Advocacy Storytelling with Data: Bringing Clarity to Your Point of View

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When used right, the power of advocacy storytelling with data can help move your issue forward in a compelling way; when used wrong, it can make your issue more complex than it is and put your issue at the back of the pack. Learn how to effectively incorporate data into your advocacy storytelling and bring clarity and impact to your message. 

Advocacy and elections

Why Advocacy and Elections Matter

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

In the wake of actions taken by the new administration, remembering that advocacy work can have a meaningful impact on the outcomes of elections can be a strong motivator. There’s still a lot of work to be done, and our opponents aren’t going to stop anytime soon.

Advocating to legislator

Introduction to Legislative Advocacy

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

Learn effective legislative advocacy strategies with our step-by-step guide and discover how to influence policy in your community. 

Ben from TCW tips on starting a campaign

Starting a Campaign? What Staffers and Candidates Need to Know

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Starting a campaign is a unique challenge. From getting digital running to prioritizing fundraising and self-care, here’s what every staffer, campaign manager, and candidate should know.

grassroots advocacy

15 Grassroots Actions to Fight Trump’s Agenda

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

As we move past the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, it’s important to be focused on growing grassroots actions for the upcoming years.

Person jumping over hurdle labelled 'advocacy'

Advocacy Hurdles—Improve and Win Your Advocacy Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When you’re a part of an advocacy campaign, spotting issues and fixing them are not always easy. In the realm of advocacy, there will always be bumps in the road, that is the nature of making change. Identifying common advocacy hurdles and proactively planning for solutions is a good strategy that can improve your campaign. 

Campaign training

Campaign Training Is Key for Volunteers

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

Campaign training can make the difference between a winning and losing campaign—especially training for volunteers. Although it’s important that you have a good candidate, campaign manager, or volunteer coordinator who can gather the volunteers, if those volunteers are not provided with training, they might not be of any help. When volunteers can provide much of your people power on a campaign, it’s important to make sure they know what they’re doing. A simple and effective way to get your volunteers up to speed is to send them to a campaign training!

Martín holding a pointer at a posterboard with the words 'training tips'

Training Tips from The Campaign Workshop

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When we started building training programs, we had a limited training tips to work from. However, after connecting with great mentors, going through various training programs, and learning through trial and error, we have accumulated tools to run effective training session.

Treasure chest full of gold labelled 'advocacy tips'

Advocacy Campaign Tips to Help You Succeed

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

Executing a successful and impactful advocacy campaign requires time, dedication, and organization. In today’s day and age, there is strong competition from various advocacy issues fighting for attention, so to run a successful campaign, you will need to be ready to hit the ground running.

Phone with 2025 on it and surrounded by calendars

Digital Political Advertising for 2025 and Beyond

by Julie Watson (She/Her)

As we move into 2025, more people will be dedicating time and resources to creating digital political advertising plans. The Campaign Workshop has been actively involved in digital political ads for over a decade, and each year we have seen a growing emphasis on the importance and effectiveness of digital advertising within political campaigns. 
Why spend money on digital political advertising now?

Earned Media

Earned Media to Improve the Credibility of Your Independent Expenditure

by Enrique Rivas (He/Him)

When it comes to your independent expenditure strategy, earned media doesn’t need to be your enemy, it can be your friend. Earned media can actually help you raise awareness for your independent expenditure campaign and improve engagement with your campaign amongst the general public. Whether you attract positive or negative attention, well, that’s on you!


Independent Expenditure Mail vs Campaign Mail

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

While they share a number of similarities, independent expenditure mail and candidate campaign mail also have quite a few differences. Both independent expenditure mail and candidate campaign mail may have the same primary goal (i.e., getting a candidate elected), but the means that they use to get there can vary.

IE Assets

Independent Expenditure Campaigns: What They Can and Can't Use

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

What information independent expenditure (IE) campaigns can use depends on who you ask, and what set of laws you’re covered by. In recent years, you may have seen candidate campaigns that appear to bend over backward to make photos and b-roll videos publicly available on their website (a classic example of this being “McConnelling,” which went viral in 2014). Why? What are voters going to do with all this stuff? Well, it turns out that in most cases, the audience isn’t the run-of-the-mill voter at all. These campaigns may instead be trying to make information publicly available for independent expenditure campaigns to use.

Political Direct Mail

Make Political Direct Mail More Democratic

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We find it disheartening that as Democratic political direct mail consultants, the mail we see is often very undemocratic and lacks any direct response engagement tactics. Whether for politics or advocacy, it’s difficult to get real engagement from voters or constituents if you never  engage them. Political mail has traditionally been a one-way conversation With our political climate and media-saturated landscape, fostering engagement makes a ton of sense and is an overall good strategy. Here are some direct response tips on increasing voter engagement in your campaigns, fostering 2-way communication tactics/sign-ups, and making real democratic direct mail.

Digital Targeting

Independent Expenditure Campaign Tips for Digital Targeting & Messaging

by Julie Watson (She/Her)

Independent expenditure campaigns play a unique and vital role in many elections. They can support candidate campaigns by filling the gaps that they may have in their strategies, resources, or messages. These independent campaigns can use digital advertising to target different audiences, convey different messages, and use different tactics than candidate campaigns. This can help the candidate campaigns reach, persuade, and mobilize more voters.

Direct Mail IEs

Best Practices for Independent Expenditure Direct Mail

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Direct mail may not sound like an exciting medium for your independent expenditure at first blush, but if used correctly it can be one of the most effective ways to make a difference. Research regularly shows that when it comes to persuading and increasing turnout in elections, direct mail is one of the most tried-and-true methods in the campaign toolbox.

Building a strong independent expenditure direct mail program isn’t that different from some of the tips and tricks we’ve included in other posts. At the end of the day, it’s about being strategic and finding ways to think outside the box. But there are a few key things to think about when you’re running a direct mail program for an independent expenditure: