Ben from TCW tips on starting a campaign

Starting a Campaign? What Staffers and Candidates Need to Know

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Starting a campaign is a unique challenge. From getting digital running to prioritizing fundraising and self-care, here’s what every staffer, campaign manager, and candidate should know.

Man writing on whiteboard Campaign Plan

What is a Campaign Plan and Why Do I Need One?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

While every campaign comes with unknown variables, the more you plan, the better prepared you’ll be to manage whatever comes your way. The best way to be prepared for success is by creating a written campaign plan.

Online Advertising

Online Advertising Doesn't Mean Instant

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

While it’s true that the world of online advertising is fast-paced- banking on instantaneous programs is a good way to fall short of your goals. Planning for a digital program will give you time to really define your goals and make sure your campaign has the right components, creative, and timeline to achieve them.

Campaign Staffers

Campaign staffers: Robinson’s Rules for Campaign Staff (and TCW)

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Will Robinson of the New Media Firm penned his rules for campaign staffers over 25 years ago and they are truly words to live by. Over the years, these rules have saved money, time and jobs for many campaign staffers who have heard and lived by them. Whether you are working on a candidate’s campaign, ballot measures, or independent expenditures, these campaign rules will help.

woman with a flag leading other professionally dressed people - Political campaign staff

Political Campaign Staff Hiring Guide: Traits Matter More Than Experience

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Whether you're running for city council or congress, hiring your political campaign staff is an essential part of the electoral success. Managing budgets, raising money, running social media, building field programs, prepping candidates for public appearances, and implementing campaign strategies; the political campaign staff is the backbone of every campaign.

Man looking at computer/documents Advocacy RFP

Advocacy RFP: Reference Check Tips for Your Public Affairs Campaign

by Elena Veatch

We’re all about helping organizations navigate request for proposal (RFP) processes, and our advocacy RFP template is a great resource for folks who are looking to hire a consultant or vendor. Once you get the ball rolling on the RFP process, make sure you think through what you really want to learn from references in the final stage.

Campaign Manager, Woman in suit shaking hands with someone

Campaign Manager Hiring Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Hiring the right campaign manager may be the most important choice you make as a candidate. Your campaign manager is the lifeblood of your campaign. He or she doesn’t need to always be out front or be the face of your political campaign, but he or she does need to be prepared to do anything for you to advance your run for office.

Woman upset with head in hands

Firing Your Political Consultant? Ask These Questions First -

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Many experienced campaign managers or operatives can recall a bad experience with a political consultant. Perhaps the consultant didn’t deliver what they promised, they were unresponsive, or they didn’t hit deadlines. Depending on how far out you are from Election Day, this can lead to some tough decisions.

Campaign Manager Contract
Group of cut out paper people
Campaign management -a male and female coworker discussing strategy in an office

Political Campaign Manager: 6 Traits to Look for, Before You Hire

by The Campaign Workshop

Whether you're running for city council or congress, hiring a skilled political campaign manager is an essential part of your electoral success. From brainstorming campaign strategies and managing budgets to prepping a candidate for public appearances, the political campaign manager is the backbone of every campaign.