Steps to qualifying ballot measures

Qualifying Ballot Measures

Qualifying a ballot measure is a significant undertaking. Sometimes the most difficult part of a ballot measure campaign is just making it to the ballot. From gathering signatures to overcoming legal hurdles, qualifying an initiative takes planning, time, and (very often) a sizable investment (both in terms of dollars and human capital).

Political canvassing

Why Canvassing Matters

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Canvassing is special to me. I love knocking on doors. I think it is still a vastly underrated form of communication. Post COVID-19, canvassing is coming back in a big way and campaigns should plan for it now. Why do I think canvassing is so special? Because of the connection, direct contact grassroots combined with paid ads make with targeted voters in a personal and systematic way.

telephone town hall: cartoon of a woman sitting on a desk talking on the phone and two other people taking on the phone

Telephone Town Halls for My Political and Advocacy Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

What are telephone town halls? Think of a telephone town hall as a cross between a radio talk show, an old-fashioned town hall, a member meeting, and a conference call all done in the comfort of your home or office.

yellow pedestrian crossing sign - canvasser safety

Canvasser Safety During a Pandemic

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Now more than ever, canvasser safety really matters. When COVID-19 hit, canvassing pretty much stopped everywhere and is only now slowly starting to reemerge. Canvassing can be dangerous, as it requires that you approach strangers in what is often unfamiliar terrain, even when we aren’t in the midst of a pandemic.

5 hands raised of different skin tones each holding a cartoon heart in their hand

Relational Organizing: Where to Start

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Relational organizing is the process by which campaigns, groups, or individuals harness their personal relationships to effect community change. It is a form of organizing that is specific to an individual’s personal network in which they mobilize those relationships into taking action.

political direct mail: Drawing of elephant and donkey

Political Direct Mail: Partisan Differences in Campaign Mail

by The Campaign Workshop

As a Democratic consulting firm, we are frequently asked if there is a partisan difference in political direct mail. The short answer? Not really. Of course, there are vast differences when it comes to message, but regardless of party, both sides use similar strategies to reach voters. From a design, creative, and targeting standpoint, there is little disparity between Democratic and Republican direct mail.

Stump Speech Writing

Stump Speech: The Ultimate Speechwriting Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Here is our ultimate guide to writing a great stump speech. We all know that the candidate is the campaign’s best asset, and the stump speech is the best campaign tool for delivering a 7C’s (clear, concise, contrastive, connective, creative, compelling, consistent) message and personal story about the candidate and campaign.

four wooden blocks in ascending height with white stars above the blocks.
Crafting a Political Survey

Political Survey: Top Tips For Crafting Political Polling

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

I am not a political pollster, and I don’t play one on T.V. But, I am a big consumer of political polling and spend a lot of time working with pollsters to craft political surveys. When it comes to creating a political survey, we often see folks make the same mistakes.

people on their phones and reading in a coffee shop

What is Relational Organizing and How Can it Help My Campaign?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Relational organizing and neighbor-to-neighbor postcards have been a mainstay of political campaigns since the late 1970s, and for good reason. Politics is about relationships and harnessing the power of those relationships is essential to secure campaign success. 

speech for strategic communications