two people at the top of a mountain - Campaign Plan tips blog post

9 Campaign Plan Tips

If you’re running for office, you’re going to need a campaign plan. With these 9 campaign plan tips, you will give yourself the best chance of winning your race:

Midterm Elections

Midterm Elections - How Should a Democratic Campaign Plan?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As you plan for midterm elections, especially if you’re progressive democrat, you may not want to leave your house. With all the things going on in the country it may seem like the midterm elections are a forgone conclusion and not in a good way. Historical trends come to a similar conclusion.

Your Guide to Creating Great Campaign Walk Cards

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Walk cards are an important element to any field campaign. They give your canvassers something tangible to discuss at the doors and are a great way to introduce your candidate to voters. Unfortunately, a lot of campaigns create walkcards the wrong way.

LGBT Candidates

What All Candidates Should Learn From Openly Gay Candidates

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

For a long time, I have said that LGBT Candidates ( Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender and Gay candidates), tend to be better candidates than their straight counterparts at running for office. It’s because LGBT candidates have to be. If you are breaking a barrier, it is only those with stellar qualifications and incredible drive who get through tough election fights and win.

Advocacy Campaign

Effective Advocacy Campaign Tips

by The Campaign Workshop

Running an effective advocacy campaign takes skill and planning here are five tips to run a winning advocacy campaign:

Ten Bad Political Campaign Habits You Need To Break

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Over the years, we have seen folks develop some bad political campaign habits.  But the good news is that many of these bad campaign habits can be prevented by good organization and a focus on fundamentals. Read the list below so you can spot the warning signs and keep your political campaign on track.

Campaign Dictionary

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Staying up to date on a campaign dictionary can be exhausting, so we have compiled a list of useful campaign terms to keep your lingo up-to-date, enjoy!

Working with a Campaign Toolbox

Campaign Toolbox Tips

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We understand what it’s like to operate a campaign on a tight budget, so we’ve found some free tools to include in your campaign toolbox to help you along the way.  We hope you will find them useful as you launch your campaign or look for ways to better organize it. to ve clear no campaign tool will solve all of your campaigns problems.  Whether fundraising for a nonprofit, managing an independent expenditure campaign, or seeking office, a few of these tools will surely help you along your way.

Blue Book 2014 Midterm Elections

Midterm Elections 2014 Analysis

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

The midterm elections on Tuesday made for a rough night for Democrats. As many of us emerge from the fetal position under our desk, I decided to write down my observations of the midterm elections of 2014, and what could be done differently in future elections. You can listen to some of my observations here as well.

get critical

First-Time Candidate? Get Critical

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

As a first-time candidate, you’ll likely have a steep learning curve and a lot of information thrown your way.  Whether you’re still deciding if you want to toss your hat in the ring, or you’re just starting to get your campaign moving, it’s important to embark on this process with your eyes wide open.  Here are a few things you’re likely to hear that should cue you to take a beat and assess their accuracy.

importance of self-research

The Importance of Self-Research for Political Candidates

by The Campaign Workshop

We teach a lot about research on campaigns, and most candidates see the benefits and try to make room in the budget for polling. But although many candidates will do research on their opponents, what many first time (and second and third time) candidates don’t do is get a self-research book done on themselves. Why one may ask, would I need research done on me? I know my background. Here are 3 reasons why self-research is much more important than it may seem.

girl and flag

Tips for First-Time Female Candidates From #NN13

by The Campaign Workshop

Some of us from Team TCW travelled to San Jose last week for the annual Netroots Nation conference, a place for progressives to gather and learn about how to be more effective at using technology to affect change.  Featuring over 80 panels with many distinguished guests, it was a great place to learn more about important issues.