Organizations that Resist Trump

The Resist List

The Campaign Workshop 2017 Resist List

Here at The Campaign Workshop, we love and know advocacy. Throughout our years being a part of successful campaigns, we’ve gotten to know the work of some great organizations that do amazing work for their communities, states, and our country. We hope that this list inspires you to volunteer, donate, or engage with these organizations, and that you join us in resisting the Trump administration!

  • Civil & Human Rights

  • Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    Run by and for autistic people seeking equal rights and opportunities, the Autistic Self Advocacy Networks works to advance the disability rights movement with a focus on autism, empowering autistic people across the world and being a voice for the autistic community.

  • Black Lives Matter

    Founded after the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Black Lives Matter has made its presence known nationwide. It is hard at work promoting the interests and rights of black communities around the country, and broadening the conversation around state violence and social and systematic oppression.

  • Southern Poverty Law Center

    Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. They aim to teach tolerance while combatting hate speech and harassment.

  • The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights LA (CHIRLA)

    A California leader with national impact, CHIRLA works with individuals and coalitions to advance civil and labor rights for immigrants. A California leader with national impact, CHIRLA works with individuals and coalitions to advance civil and labor rights for immigrants.

  • ACLU

    ACLU is an organization dedicated to defending the civil rights and liberties guaranteed to everyone under the United States Constitution.

  • Restaurant Opportunities Center United

    The mission of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United is to improve wages and working conditions for the nation’s restaurant workforce. 

  • Advocates for Human Rights

    For over 30 years, Advocates for Human Rights has changed the lives of refugees, immigrants, women, and ethnic and religious minorities. They have advocated for international human rights standards in our communities by investigating and exposing human rights violations, representing immigrants and refugees seeking asylum, and assisting groups who protect human rights and push for legal reform and sound policy.

  • Climate Change

  • Natural Resources Defense Council

    NRDC is made up of more than two million members and online activists. They combine the expertise of some 500 scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild through advocacy work, litigation, scientific research, business improvements, and partnerships.

  • NextGen America

    NextGen America, formerly NextGen Climate, has always worked to influence political outcomes that would prevent climate disaster. In light of our current political situation and attacks on progressive values, they’re going to start focusing on the fight for immigrant rights, affordable health care, and equality, too.

  • Sierra Club

    The Sierra Club is a grassroots environmental organization with three million members and supporters nationwide. They work to pass legislation, protect land, elect climate-friendly candidates, and build a clean energy economy, among many other initiatives.

  • Climate Justice Alliance

    The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) is working to organize a set of diverse voices that are often sidelined in discussions of environmental justice, such as those of Indigenous Peoples, African Americans, and low-income communities, in order to tackle climate change in a way that promotes the building of more equitable economies in local communities across the United States.

  • March For Science

    The March for Science was a call for robustly funded and publicly communicated science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity. The organizers are now transitioning the march into a movement, continuing to gather support for science.

  • 350

    With the help of online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public action against new coal, oil, and gas projects, 350 aims to take away funds from the companies whose industries are heating up the environment and transfer them to clean energy solutions.

  • Environmental Defense Fund

    The EDF forms partnerships to focus where they’re best positioned to help. Their current initiatives include reducing vehicle emissions, expanding sustainable fishing, meeting the demands for food, water, shelter, and reducing pollution.

  • Sunrise Movement

    Sunrise Movement is an organization committed to uniting young people in an effort to address the climate crisis by working to generate support by the American public for the Green New Deal, endorsing candidates that are willing to protect the environment, and fighting the influence of fossil fuel executives and lobbyists in the government.

  • Greenpeace

    Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions. Their activists have come together to ban commercial whaling, pressure world leaders to stop nuclear testing, protect Antarctica, and more.

  • Crowdsourcing

  • RootsAction

    RootsAction is an online initiative dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, and environmental protection. They are also anti-war. They are independent of any political affiliation and support rooting out any corruption in both parties.

  • DemList

    DemList is a free  site that publishes a national daily column (DemDaily) , calendar, and network for, to, and about the Democratic Party and its interests. The DemList Event Calendar offers a forum for all Dems and friends to post their verifiable party, convention, rally, policy, and fundraising events. DemList is a free national daily column, calendar, and network for, to, and about the Democratic Party and its interests. The DemList Event Calendar offers a forum for all Dems and friends to post their verifiable party, convention, rally, policy, and fundraising events.

  • Democracy Alliance

    The Democracy Alliance is a network of progressive donors. They invest in policymaking, grassroots organizing, and state and national issue and electoral campaigns in three connected areas: a just democracy, a fair economy and an environmentally sustainable future.

  • Sleeping Giants

    Sleeping Giants is a Twitter account dedicated to having its followers tell companies when their ads are running on Breitbart or other sites with racist or sexist content. Companies might not know where their ads are running online, so Sleeping Giants harnesses the power of social media to alert them of where their ads are running so they can remove them when they’re on news sites that spread false information.

  • Democratic Coalition Against Trump

    This organization was formed as a direct response to the election of Donald Trump. Their goal is to hold his administration accountable for regressive policies, hateful rhetoric, and outright lies. They are engaged in campaign efforts across the country in order to elect progressive candidates and bring new leadership to government at the local and federal level.

  • Brave New Films

    Brave New Films aspires to create a more socially conscious nation using media, films, and internet video campaigns. Video has the capability to inform the public on a range of issues, such as understanding where your tax dollars go or exposing the private prison process.

  • Stand Up America

    This group initially formed online as a reaction to Trump’s election. Now, Stand Up America has a community that spans all 50 states. They encourage making phone calls to Congress and being active on social media.

  • Buycott Trump

    This campaign targets remaining businesses and associations partnered with Trump and his organization. Join the campaign, and vote with your wallet!

  • Design Solutions for Fake News

    Started by the founder of Upworthy, this is a crowdsourced Google Doc dedicated to combatting the spread of fake news. It presents a list of ideas about how to identify questionable news sources, and what people in the industry can do to prevent it from showing in the first place.

  • Giffords

    After the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona that killed six individuals and wounded many others severely, including Representative Gabby Giffords, Gabby and her husband Mark Kelly formed what would become Giffords to fight for gun law reform. Giffords works to write, pass, and enact important policy on this issue.

  • Swing Left

    Swing Left will identify the closest Republican held swing House district to where you live, in an effort to turn seats from red to blue. You’ll be presented with opportunities to donate and volunteer with likeminded progressives in your area. 

  • March For Our Lives

    March for Our Lives began as a march organized by students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after the deadly mass shooting at their school in Parkland, FL. Today, the organization raises money, propels voter registration efforts, and creates chapters across the country to advocate and prevent gun violence in the United States.

  • #KnockEveryDoor

    An organization created to recruit, connect and train volunteers to go out in communities across the country and start knocking on doors. Started by volunteers, for volunteers, #KnockEveryDoor strives to initiate conversations within our communities on the progressive change our nation needs.

  • Moms Demand Action

    Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has a chapter in every state in the country and fights against the gun violence epidemic through fundraising, organizing volunteers, and calling representatives to push for common sense gun reform.


    One of our favorite tools for advocacy campaigns, has made it easy for grassroots movements and individuals to take action. This online petition tool is useful for all types of issues and subjects.

  • The Resistance Manual

    This open source Wiki exists to share content about a diverse range of issues nationwide. All information is reviewed for accuracy by a team of advisors before being posted. The intent is that resistance-minded people can use The Resistance Manual to stay up-to-date and engaged in the fights that matter to them.

  • #ResistTrumpTuesdays

    A successful Twitter campaign that is supported by multiple nonprofit organizations (The Working Families Party, MoveOn, and People’s Action to name a few!). Each Tuesday it encourages a specific anti-Trump action.

  • The Town Hall Project

    You are able to find information about upcoming town halls, local events, and staff office hours for your elected federal officials thanks to the people at The Town Hall Project. Their goal is to encourage more face-to-face conversations between constituents and officials.

  • is a progressive digital organizing group. They combine rapid-response political campaigning with data science to quickly identify opportunities for progressive change and ignite grassroots action in their members. Members can also use the MoveOn Petitions DIY organizing platform to create their own petitions and campaigns. is a progressive digital organizing group. They combine rapid-response political campaigning with data science to quickly identify opportunities for progressive change and ignite grassroots action in their members.

  • RISE Stronger

    The main goal of RAISE is to capture short bursts of political energy and sustain it. They aim to build politically engaged and empowered communities. To do this, they share strategies, tools, resources, and information with local groups. The main goal of RISE is to capture short bursts of political energy and sustain it. They aim to build politically engaged and empowered communities. To do this, they share strategies, tools, resources, and information with local groups.

  • Economics


    Joining labor and community organizations to strive for a sustainable New York, ALIGN works to build change on issues such as the economy and the environment through coalitions, public debate, strategic communications, and policy solutions.

  • Jobs with Justice

    Jobs with Justice works on the ground and online, nationally and locally, to fight for workers’ rights. They combine communications strategies, research, and policy advocacy with grassroots action and mobilization to fight for collective bargaining rights, employment security, and a better standard of living for workers.

  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

    The SEIU is an organization of two million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide. They work to improve the lives of workers and their families.

  • Democracy Initiative

    The Democracy Initiative is a coalition of organizations launched in 2013. They are focused on limiting corporate and special interest power to ensure that every voice and vote carries equal weight.

  • CarsonWatch

    CarsonWatch tracks the actions of the Trump administration and the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Ben Carson to ensure that housing security is guaranteed to all Americans.

  • Demos

    Demos is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. They have the goals of taking money out of politics, expanding the middle class, and promoting racial equality.

  • Main Street Alliance

    The Main Street Alliance works to provide small businesses a voice on pressing public policy issues across the nation. Their advocacy promotes vibrant businesses and healthy communities, and fosters leadership development of socially responsible business leaders.

  • Fight for $15

    What began as a walk-out by fast-food workers has turned into a global movement for a living wage. Fight for $15 unites workers and advocates to organize and press governments and corporations to raise the minimum wages paid to all employees across industries.

  • Churches United for Fair Housing

    Churches United for Fair Housing is a grassroots organization that provides social services. CUFFH organizes towards preserving and creating communities that are not exclusive and are really affordable to working families in New York City. Their member churches work to provide emergency housing for the poor, as well as for immigrants.

  • United Food and Commercial Workers International Union

    The UFCW works to advocate on behalf of 1.3 million food and commercial workers to help them access better wages, better benefits, fairer schedules, and more control over their lives.

  • Elections & Govt Reform

  • Indivisible

    After the election of Donald Trump, two former Hill staffers set out to create an easily accessible “what next?” guide for progressives. The resulting Google Doc has been viewed millions of times by people in every state, and has led to organized groups and volunteers working to pressure their members of Congress.

  • Run for Something

    Run for Something is focused on finding and developing young progressives to run for office, in order to build a strong progressive bench for the future. You can volunteer for one of their under-35-year-old endorsed candidates in your area.

  • End Citizens United

    End Citizens United works to elect campaign finance reform champions, pass state ballot measures, and elevate campaign finance reform issues in the national conversation.

  • Let America Vote

    Through online and grassroots organizing, Let America Vote aims to drive lawmakers to fight back against voter suppression laws that disproportionately impact people based on their race or ethnicity, gender, age, or income.

  • Onward Together

    Onward Together seeks to build on the momentum of the 66 million votes cast for Hillary Clinton in 2016. By encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office, Onward Together will advance progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come.

  • Organizing for Action

    In chapters across the country, Organizing for Action is finding and training the next generation of great progressive organizers. They are igniting conversations in local communities about progressive issues including protecting our climate, women’s health, immigration reform, and others.

  • Our Revolution

    Our Revolution is aiming to take over where Bernie Sanders’ campaign left off. They are working to engage more people in the political process, recruit progressive candidates to run at all levels of government, and cut through the noise to educate the public and drown out misinformation.

  • Sunlight Foundation

    The Sunlight Foundation is interested in making government more transparent and accountable. They use open data, technology, and journalism as their tools. They are nonpartisan and nonprofit.

  • People for the American Way

    PFAW defines the “American Way” as including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy. They equip communities to fight right-wing extremism by promoting progressive policies, electing progressive candidates, and holding public officials accountable.

  • #AllOfUs

    Formed after the election of President Trump, #AllOfUs is a campaign that serves as a watchdog on Democrats to be the resistance leaders the country needs. Their campaign seeks to fight back and resist President Trump’s agenda and to replace the Democrats who fail to do this with qualified candidates.

  • Center for Popular Democracy

    The Center for Popular Democracy aims to create equity, opportunity, and dynamic democracy through building progressive coalitions and campaigns to further innovative policy agendas. CPD campaigns on a number of issues, such as civic engagement, environmental justice, immigrant rights, and the minimum wage.

  • People's Action

    People’s Action looks to bring people of all races, faiths, and genders together to make change. To do this, they are developing local leaders who can empower our campaign operatives and policy makers at all levels of government.

  • Every Voice

    By running campaigns that support champions of reform at the federal and state level, Every Voice seeks to build the political power necessary to create a democracy where your political influence isn’t determined by your net worth. They build small-donor programs at all levels of government.

  • Movement 2017

    Movement Voter Project (MVP) accepts donations from individual and major donors, then funnels those resources into national movement-building efforts and local efforts in all 50 states. They are overseen by a philanthropic advising service that identifies organizations that could make the greatest difference with an extra $10 or $100,000 on issues like economic fairness, environmental sustainability, racial justice, immigrant rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ+rights, and access to health care.

  • Priorities USA

    Priorities USA is a progressive grassroots advocacy organization. They are working to build a lasting digital infrastructure to connect working Americans, promote a disciplined approach to communicating with voters, and oppose attempts to suppress any Americans’ right to vote.

  • Flippable

    If we’re going to turn more red states blue, there needs to be more attention to races at the state level. That’s where Flippable comes in. They identify important state legislature elections in order to mobilize volunteers in those places.

  • Movement Match

    There are tons of organizations out there fighting hard to resist the Trump administration. Movement Match is connecting would be resisters to organizations that match their interests and location, based on the results of an online quiz. Movement Match’s goal is to connect more people to existing activist powerhouses and fight isolation, alienation, and complacency.

  • The Sister District Project

    The Sister District Project harnesses the power of dedicated advocates in blue states to win elections in competitive districts across the country. The Sister District Project is fighting the hardships brought about by partisan gerrymandering by rallying individuals in safe blue districts to volunteer for progressive campaigns in swing districts.

  • Public Citizen

    Public Citizen characterizes itself as a lobbyist for the people. They have five policy groups: Congress Watch, Energy Program, Global Trade Watch, the Health Research Group, and the Litigation Group.

  • Advancement Project

    A multi-racial civil rights organization that works to fulfill America’s promise of a caring, inclusive, and just democracy. Through innovative tools, they work on a number of issues such as redistricting and voter protection to fulfill America’s promise to its citizens of a just democracy.

  • Common Cause

    With their sister organization, the Common Cause Education Fund, Common Cause employs a combination of grassroots organizing, coalition building, research, policy development, public education, lobbying, and litigation to win reform at all levels of government. They work to create an open, honest, and accountable government.

  • Courage Campaign

    Based in California, the Courage Campaign uses both digital and traditional grassroots organizing methods. Their top three priorities are economic justice, human rights, and corporate and political accountability.

  • Immigration

  • African Services Committee

    Founded by Ethiopian refugees, African Services is dedicated to helping immigrants, refugees, and asylees from Africa. They address the needs of people affected by war, poverty, and health inequalities. Through their programs, African Services provides legal, educational, and housing assistance, as well as access to HIV prevention and AIDS treatment resources. They also operate 5 HIV clinics in Ethiopia.

  • Arab American Association of New York

    AAANY provides services to Arab immigrants and Arab Americans in New York to empower them to become active members of society and their communities.

  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice

    As a powerful voice for Asian-American communities, AAJC fights for civil rights through education, litigation, public policy advocacy, and by bringing constituencies together.

  • CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project

    CARA does pro bono work to protect detained children and mothers. CARA (stands for CLINIC, AILA, RAICES and the American Immigration Council) organizes volunteers at state and local levels that are committed to representing detained families.

  • Central American Refugee Center

    Based in New York and serving the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, CARECEN provides a broad range of legal services to help immigrant communities become lawful, permanent residents through the naturalization process. The services provided include requests for DACA status, green card renewals, family petitions, and temporary protected status, to name a few.

  • #Not1More

    By bringing art and advocacy together, this unique and compelling campaign works to battle unjust immigration laws and challenge unfair deportation or criminalization through the power of art.

  • United We Dream

    Led by immigrant youths, United We Dream is the largest organization of its kind. Members of state affiliate groups (in 26 states) organize and advocate for the dignity and fair treatment of immigrant youth and families, regardless of immigration status.

  • LGBT + Rights

  • Human Rights Campaign

    The Human Rights Campaign represents more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide. They envision a world where LGBTQ+ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest, and safe at home, at work, and in their communities.

  • Lambda Legal

    Lambda Legal, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.

  • GLAD

    GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defendants (GLAD) takes court cases that protect LGBTQ+ rights across the country. Volunteers help GLAD to fight on behalf of those facing discrimination with regards to issues including immigration, HIV/AIDS, and housing.


    FIERCE is a membership-based organization building the leadership and power of LGBTQ+youth of color in New York City. They develop leaders who are invested in improving their communities through youth-led campaigns, leadership development programs, and cultural expression in arts and media.

  • Trevor Project

    The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ+) young people ages 13-24. It is also a social networking site, training center, and advocacy group.

  • Media

  • Crooked Media

    Crooked Media was founded by Former Obama staffers Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor as a place to talk about politics that informs, entertains, and inspires action. Crooked media is home to popular podcasts including Pod Save America and Lovett or Leave It.

  • Daily Kos

    Daily Kos is a news organization, community, and activist hub. Their content and email list informs and mobilizes progressives. Guest posts have been written by Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and others.

  • Media Matters for America

    Media Matters for America is a progressive research and information center dedicated to monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. They use their website to disseminate information and provide resources for activists, journalists, pundits, and members of the general public who are looking to refute false claims.

  • ProPublica

    ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism. They focus on shining a light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and on the failures of those with power.

  • Free Press

    Free Press fights to save the free and open internet, curb media consolidation, protect press freedom, and ensure diverse voices are represented in media. They mobilize activists to sign petitions, meet with their elected officials, attend rallies, and write letters to the editor. They also craft policy proposals, conduct research, testify before Congress, and argue in court.

  • Race/Religion

  • National Action Network

    Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency, and equal opportunity for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality, or gender.

  • Native Organizers Alliance

    The Native Organizers Alliance is building a network of Native Americans across the country to organize for greater health and welfare on reservations. In addition to regular events, they host an annual organizing training for American Indian leaders and activists.

  • Dream Defenders

    The Dream Defenders are engaging in nonviolent resistance to protect disadvantaged communities. They want an end to police violence against communities of color, free education, and protection for everyone’s right to vote, among other things.

  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund

    MALDEF has been described as “the law firm of the Latino community.” In addition to hosting special events like their annual Latino State of the Union roundtable, they promote social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.

  • Color of Change

    Color of Change designs campaigns to end the injustices faced by African Americans, and champions solutions that move us all forward. As a national online force driven by over one million members, they work to move decision-makers in corporations and government.

  • Forward Together

    Forward Together is a multi-racial organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform policy with the goal of social change. Their mission is to ensure that women, youth and families have the power and resources they need.


    The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race. They work to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens, to inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination, and to educate people about their constitutional rights.

  • Women's Rights

  • V-Day

    V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. They organize benefits, gatherings, film viewings, campaigns, and annual productions of The Vagina Monologues on college campuses nationwide.

  • Women's March

    What began as a march has turned into a movement. The Women’s March is women-led, providing intersectional education on a diverse range of issues, including LGBTQ+ rights, immigrant rights, disability rights, and more. They work to create entry points for new grassroots activists and organizers to engage in their local communities through trainings, outreach programs, and events.


    WV FREE is a reproductive health, rights, and justice organization in West Virginia focused on improving education on reproductive options, increasing access to affordable birth control, reducing teen pregnancy, improving adolescent health, and protecting personal decision-making, including the decision of whether or when to have a child.

  • One Billion Rising

    One Billion Rising is a global mass action to end violence against women. Every February, their chapters across the world rise up around a central theme. The 2019 theme is “Rising: From A Campaign, To A Way Of Life,” and revolves around the idea that activism must become a daily practice. They seek to shine a light on the injustice that survivors often face.

  • Lily's Place

    In the middle of the opioid crisis, Lily’s Place aims to provide medical care to infants suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). They create healthier families by offering non-judgmental support, education, and counseling, to help end the cycle of addiction.

  • The Center for Reproductive Rights

    The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global legal advocacy organization dedicated to reproductive rights, with expertise in both U.S. constitutional and international human rights law. Their team of attorneys works to advance and protect reproductive freedoms. 

  • Moms Rising

    Moms Rising takes on the most critical issues facing women, mothers, and families by educating the public and mobilizing massive grassroots action. In addition to putting pressure on state capitals and Capitol Hill, they work to hold corporations accountable for the safety of their products.

  • Planned Parenthood Action Fund

    PPFA advocates for a number of issues, including abortion access, birth control access, and health care equity. They were founded on the idea that women should have the right to access the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives.


    Member activists and state affiliates of NARAL Pro-Choice America fight for reproductive freedom for every person in every state. They organize, mobilize, educate, and vote to protect that freedom by fighting for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination.


    Unite Women started as a series of nationwide rallies in 2012, and has lived on in an online format. Using social media and internet tools, members in state groups work together to spark conversations and further the participation of women as equal, valued voices in their communities and in the government process.