Woman reading laptop political blogs

Political Blogs We Like! Get your State Political Blogs Here!

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Political blogs as a news source seems very and 2004 but finding local and state specific perspectives on politics and communications matters. As quaint as it seems Try reading national and state political blogs. Here at The Campaign Workshop, we enjoy reading national and state-based political blogs to learn about local politics in states across the country and stay up to date on cutting edge campaign innovation.

Yellow and white background with keyboard, notebook and pen, and plant
Person typing on laptop

How to Write a Blog Post the Easy Way

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

This is probably the most meta blog post ever written. A blog post about writing a blog post. However, writing a blog post is not always intuitive for folks. Often, people who are asked to write a blog post for their organization don’t get the direction they need to write an effective post that yields traffic. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect! Become a master blog writer with these tips: