Care2 Petitionz

Care2 Petitions: 7 Questions on Cost Per Acquisition

Molly Connors is the Director of Business Development for Care2, a social network for good with 50 million members starting Care2 petitions and sharing stories that inspire action. Care2 helps connect nonprofits and mission-based brands with supporters who are passionate about their causes.

Students signing petitions opposed to online petitions

Online Petitions: Is it time to get rid of the clipboard?

by Elena Veatch

You don’t need a clipboard for online petitions, but you do need a strategy. Online petitions are a great way to bolster your supporter base around an issue. You can use a digital action as a hook to get folks involved with your campaign or cause in the long run. List building isn’t always easy, quick, or cheap—make sure you plan ahead so you can do it right and make the most out of your new supporters.

Person typing Nonprofit ads

Nonprofit Ads: Should I Run a CPA Campaign?

by The Campaign Workshop

Nonprofit ads are bought with a limited budget. To make the most of their budget for non profit ads, a lot of advocacy organizations will look for ways to increase their membership or put public pressure on legislators. The best way to accomplish both of these goals may be through a CPA campaign.