A person steering a ship guided by core values

Core Values Shape Nonprofit Culture

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Over the years we have developed a list of The Campaign Workshop’s core values that align both with the company culture we want to foster and the staff members we want to attract.

Man looking at computer/documents Advocacy RFP

Advocacy RFP: Reference Check Tips for Your Public Affairs Campaign

by Elena Veatch

We’re all about helping organizations navigate request for proposal (RFP) processes, and our advocacy RFP template is a great resource for folks who are looking to hire a consultant or vendor. Once you get the ball rolling on the RFP process, make sure you think through what you really want to learn from references in the final stage.

Woman upset with head in hands

Firing Your Political Consultant? Ask These Questions First -

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Many experienced campaign managers or operatives can recall a bad experience with a political consultant. Perhaps the consultant didn’t deliver what they promised, they were unresponsive, or they didn’t hit deadlines. Depending on how far out you are from Election Day, this can lead to some tough decisions.


Hiring Political Consulting Firms -The Ultimate Guide

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Picking a political consulting firms is not an easy decision. This is, after all, going to be your largest expenses, so it’s important that you get it right. Hiring the right consultants cannot guarantee you a win but hiring the wrong ones can guarantee you a loss. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to hire a political consulting firm.

political ads vs traditional advertising

Political Advertising Agency vs. Traditional Advertising Agency

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As a political advertising agency, we work with campaigns and groups all over the country and it never fails that in many conversations, the candidate’s spouse uncle, cousin, works or has worked in advertising.  We sometimes compete with traditional advertising firms and I have had folks ask me the question what is the difference between a political advertising agency vs a traditional ad agency? The answer is a there are lots of differences.

USPS Streamlining
Political Direct Mail and Election Mail Contingency Plan

Political Direct Mail and Election Mail Contingency Plan

by The Campaign Workshop

On February 13, 2015 the United States Postal Service (USPS) experienced an outage in its Postal One service. To the uninitiated, this is the service that processes mailings and postage payments. All postal documents for mailings are done electronically through this system. Luckily, this didn’t happen back in October, during the height of election season.


Political Consulting Advice: Campaign Resources.

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

One of the roles I enjoy most is teaching folks how to run for office and run campaigns. Any campaign training we run usually starts with essential political consulting advice on the three key resources of a campaign. The three main resources you have in any campaign are people, time and money. Below are descriptions of each of these three critical campaign resources.


Good Political Consulting Firm Traits

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

A Political consulting firm comes in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Each undoubtedly has its own strengths, weaknesses and areas of expertise. However, regardless of the medium in which they specialize, there are a few traits that stand out in any good political firm. Below is a general, but crucial list:

mailbox with mail

What Does a Democratic Direct Mail Firm Do?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Democratic direct mail: What does a mail firm do? Admit it, this is a question that a lot of people have wanted to ask but were too embarrassed: Well, never fear, After doing  award winning campaign mail for over ten years The Campaign Workshop is here with the answer. Below is a very general, and in no way exhaustive, overview of the duties of a good Democratic direct mail firm.

Independence Day

Independence from Student Loans

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Want independence from student loans? As we break for the Fourth of July, we have students throughout the country facing a greater burden of debt. This is an issue that not only affects students; it affects our economy as a whole. Yes, Congress should act to retroactively decrease the rise in student loan rates, but there is still more that can be done.