Political Digital Campaign Strategy -Man surrounded by drawings of social media logos on chalkboard in thought bubbles

Political Digital Campaign Strategy- How Should Social Media Fit?

by Elena Veatch

Whether you’re running for your local school board or the U.S. Senate, social media will likely be a prong of your political digital campaign strategy. Strong digital campaigns meet people where they are online, and the numbers don’t lie—social media remains an omnipresent force in our world, with more than half of the global population projected to use social platforms by mid-2020.

Digital Campaigns: Group of people sitting around a table and using electronics

Digital Campaigns Work With Political Campaigns

Digital campaigns for political causes have come a long way since we ran our first one in 2003 for the League of Conservation Voters in Colorado. We created a pretty rudimentary animated flash ad of gas spewing out of a car driven by Pete Coors.

Mouse with cord shaped like a thumbs up

Native Political Campaign Ads

Native ads have become popular over the past few years, but can you use them for political campaign ads?

Girl hitting a pinata

Political Campaign Ads: Increasing Your Reach

by The Campaign Workshop

When planning your overall campaign strategy, political campaign ads play an important role, however they are not without their issues. One of the biggest problems with digital campaigns is that they are not tied closely enough to your overall campaign strategy. Digital tools are an important vehicle to help you reach your overall political goals and should be thought of as such.

Woman looking at phone with social notification icons in the air

The Future of Political Campaign Ads

While digital advertising is always in flux, in the past two years and even the last few months there have been a whirlwind of changes for political campaign ads and it’s caused some uncertainty in the industry. While we don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future of political advertising online, there are some pretty sure bets you’ll want to keep an eye on a couple of trends in 2020. Read on below to find out what we’ll be watching carefully in 2020.

If Facebook stops running political ads. Person holding picture of megaphone with  text bubble

If Facebook Stops Political Ads - What Should Campaigns Do?

by The Campaign Workshop

Twitter announced that they will stop allowing political ads to run on its platform which has the potential to have further implications across the industry. Will other companies follow suit? Facebook has received a lot of flak lately from both the public and the government centered around political ads.

Book open with picture of government building surrounded by mail, home, commputer, tv, email, and more icons with keyboard in view

Digital GOTV; On Your Mark, Get Set, Get Out The Vote

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Digital GOTV over the past couple of cycles has really moved into a must have for every campaign. In the past, GOTV tactics were limited to door-knocking, phone calls, and depending on the level of the campaign, maybe some TV spots. However, in the digital age, there is a whole new set of effective options that you can use to mobilize your supporters on Election Day. Whether you use mobile devices to track canvas crews, Facebook to mobilize volunteers, SMS to move core supporters to action, or IP targeting, geo-fencing and cookie targeting to reach voters; there are a ton of options for digital GOTV tactics. Below are a few ways you can utilize digital GOTV.

The word "Adware" spelled out in blocks sitting on top of a mobile phone.

Updating Verification on Facebook for Your Political Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

Since the 2016 election, Facebook has been working on making sure that every political campaign that advertises on their platform is verified to do so in the United States and has made their ads more transparent in terms of who is paying for them.

A woman and a man looking at an iPad.

How Do You Read a Digital Report?

by The Campaign Workshop

Now more than ever, digital programs are integral parts of almost any political campaign and learning how to read a digital report is crucial. Understanding digital reports not only allows you to understand how your digital campaign is performing, but also allows you to make optimizations to ensure that you are making as large of an impact as possible.

A young woman is leaning against a bookshelf learning about laws in a library.

What do new state laws on political digital ads mean for you?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Election meddling has made national news starting with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took effect in Europe this summer. In response, many folks in the states took a look at their own privacy policies and laws surrounding political digital ads to see what they could do better to be more transparent. Companies like Google and Facebook created their own policies to verify users and target who was actually paying for political digital ads. Lawmakers in states across the country also started to pass laws to push for more transparency.

Digital GOTV plan A suburban community of colorful houses.

Digital GOTV Plan Why You Need One

by The Campaign Workshop

A good digital GOTV plan, is not your father’s get out the vote effort. It used to be that GOTV was driven by walk lists, yard signs, door hangers, coffee and doughnuts. But as folks start to focus more on digital GOTV, having an actual plan to push turnout digitally is a must in our interconnected world. You still need the doughnuts and door hangers, but digital will add a layer of outreach that you did not have before.

Two people looking at phones to plan their winning digital ad campaign.

Winning Digital Ad Campaign: Plan First

by The Campaign Workshop

Looking for a winning digital ad campaign? These days every campaign has some kind of digital ad component to it, but how does that result in electoral outcomes? Results vary and really depend on what kind of campaign you’re running. Here are some clear steps to develop a winning digital ad campaign.