GOTV: What Do You Need for Get Out The Vote?

by Enrique Rivas (He/Him)

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) matters. Campaigns demand long hours, uncomfortable conversations about fundraising, and massive dedication from the candidate, the campaign team, staffers, and volunteers. After all the resources (including your sanity) are poured into your campaign, a robust GOTV strategy and efforts are vital to end on a high note. 

GOTV -  Get Out The Vote letters in the word vote hanging off a clothesline

GOTV: Get Out The Vote - Voter Turnout Strategies

by The Campaign Workshop

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) or Voter turnout, describes a campaign strategy for candidates or organizations to get eligible voters to head to the polls or return their ballots by Election Day,  GOTV is an essential part of any campaign strategy and can make the difference between winning and losing an election.

Set up for Facebook Live. An iPhone on a tripod on top of a desk.

Facebook Live for Your Political Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

There are only so many hours in a day, but after knocking on doors and raising money, Facebook Live is something candidates should do on a weekly basis. The ubiquity of live-streaming digital video and Facebook’s drive to increase it on the platform has made it a necessity for campaigns to engage with. Here are some quick tips and a basic explanation of why campaigns should embrace Facebook Live and other online videos.

Book open with picture of government building surrounded by mail, home, commputer, tv, email, and more icons with keyboard in view

Digital GOTV; On Your Mark, Get Set, Get Out The Vote

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Digital GOTV over the past couple of cycles has really moved into a must have for every campaign. In the past, GOTV tactics were limited to door-knocking, phone calls, and depending on the level of the campaign, maybe some TV spots. However, in the digital age, there is a whole new set of effective options that you can use to mobilize your supporters on Election Day. Whether you use mobile devices to track canvas crews, Facebook to mobilize volunteers, SMS to move core supporters to action, or IP targeting, geo-fencing and cookie targeting to reach voters; there are a ton of options for digital GOTV tactics. Below are a few ways you can utilize digital GOTV.

Reducing voter roll-off can help you win your race. Stand out like this star!
A picture of hanging red telephones for GOTV

How can campaigns call cell phones for GOTV?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

For the longest time you could not call cell phones in an efficient way but now Stones Phones has some exciting new technology to make it easier to call cell phones using volunteers or paid phone banks. We asked Marty Stone 7 questions on calling cell phones for GOTV. 

Digital GOTV plan A suburban community of colorful houses.

Digital GOTV Plan Why You Need One

by The Campaign Workshop

A good digital GOTV plan, is not your father’s get out the vote effort. It used to be that GOTV was driven by walk lists, yard signs, door hangers, coffee and doughnuts. But as folks start to focus more on digital GOTV, having an actual plan to push turnout digitally is a must in our interconnected world. You still need the doughnuts and door hangers, but digital will add a layer of outreach that you did not have before.

Sponsored listening process for 7 GOTV questions with Pandora
digital GOTV ads vs GOTV Calls

Digital Ads vs GOTV Calls: Should You Choose Calls or Digital Ads?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

GOTV Calls or Digital ads? If you are running a political campaign, you may have heard of folks replacing their GOTV calls with digital GOTV ads. As someone who sells and loves digital ads, I will tell you that I am not sure that choosing between one or the other is a great idea.

GOTV Plan: 15 Get Out the Vote Myths Busted

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Get Out The Vote and a good Get Out The Vote plan (GOTV Plan) is something we as a firm, spend hours talking about. There is lots of  lore, superstition, mythology, and bad ideas around get out the vote

digital campaigns

Election Day Digital Campaign: What You Should Know

by The Campaign Workshop

Election Day is rapidly approaching, and while many campaigns and advocacy organizations are already implementing election-driven digital campaign strategies, day-of digital campaign techniques require a much different approach.