ice cream cone  dropped on the ground -  Local candidate mistakes

Local Candidates- Don't Make These Common Campaign Mistakes

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Campaigns for local candidates are different than those for bigger races. While you will still have to work to raise money, local candidates will depend in large part on the community for the resources and volunteers that they need. Local candidates also tend to go without the aid of consultants or those with expensive experience working on a lot of campaigns.

Woman campaigning for local election

Down-Ballot Campaign Political Campaign Strategies

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

A Down-ballot campaign is a great starting place for first-time candidates or folks who want to start working on campaigns. Getting involved in your local or state government is an important and noble task. State and local governments combined spend more than the federal government and some county governments are bigger than state governments.

Reducing voter roll-off can help you win your race. Stand out like this star!

Voter Roll-Off: Why You Need to Reduce It to Win! GOTV

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

In the world of politics, there is an array of confusing and random terms that folks use to describe trends. Voter roll-off is one of them. It is a term that is very important for down-ballot races to understand and fight against. More importantly, voter roll-off can make a difference for your GOTV campaign strategy. Find out how!  


Democratic Direct Mail for Absentee and Early Vote in Democratic Primaries

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

I have heard the story many a time; "I am running down ballot in a state-wide primary, so I am only going to do television." Sadly, if you are still using a Television only strategy you may miss many voters you need to reach.