Group of diverse, young voters

Young Voters Matter: TCW Young Voter Turnout Guide

by The Campaign Workshop

If conventional wisdom holds that young people are uninterested in politics, then the past two election cycles have been anything but conventional. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University, young people are more interested in politics than ever before.

Woman campaigning for local election

Down-Ballot Campaign Political Campaign Strategies

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

A Down-ballot campaign is a great starting place for first-time candidates or folks who want to start working on campaigns. Getting involved in your local or state government is an important and noble task. State and local governments combined spend more than the federal government and some county governments are bigger than state governments.


GOTV Resources Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As we get deep into Get Out The Vote season, you may be up late at night looking for phone scripts or a 1-800 number on voter protection. Have no fear we are here to help. Here are all of our favorite get out the vote/ GOTV resources all in one place.