Advocacy Emails

Advocacy Email Campaigns: Don't Ignore Email for Advocacy

Advocacy emails are a powerful tool. For many groups and organizations, advocacy emails can amplify their message in a positive way. As you are probably well aware, most people use their email for both work and personal use, so communicating with your supporters with this medium is a logical choice.

Runner crossing finishing line on track

Advocacy Campaign Tips to Help You Succeed

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

Executing a successful and impactful advocacy campaign requires time, dedication, and organization. In today’s day and age, there is strong competition from various advocacy issues fighting for attention, so to run a successful campaign, you will need to be ready to hit the ground running.

email list

Email List Hygiene: A Clean List Makes for Better Email Marketing

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Let’s face it, most folks don’t spend enough time working on their email list hygiene. There is always something wrong with your email engagement. If you are working with emails, you can always fix something.

Good Emails

Good Email Matters: Life is too Short to Write Bad Emails

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Good email is life-changing, while a bad email is soul-sucking. All of you write emails and let’s face it, most of them are bad. Writing a good email takes more time but you will get better results and fell better in the process. So here are some tips on what to avoid - Because life is too short to write a bad email.

Advocacy Engagement Funnel

Advocacy Engagement Funnel

Getting more advocacy engagement for your organization involves finding new supporters and turning them into dedicated advocates. But getting people to make the transition from giving you their email address to taking action on your organization’s behalf requires a thoughtful engagement strategy.

ipad with email logo on screen on chalkboard with envelopes - Grow you email list

Grow Your Email List For Political Campaigns

If you’re running for office, you need to grow your email list, no matter how small the race. Building your list will take a long time, so it’s important to start as early as possible. If you’ve run for office before, you can start by reengaging your old list. If you’re new to campaigns, you can start with your friends and family, but where do you go from there?