GOTV: What Do You Need for Get Out The Vote?

by Enrique Rivas (He/Him)

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) matters. Campaigns demand long hours, uncomfortable conversations about fundraising, and massive dedication from the candidate, the campaign team, staffers, and volunteers. After all the resources (including your sanity) are poured into your campaign, a robust GOTV strategy and efforts are vital to end on a high note. 

A picture of hanging red telephones for GOTV

How can campaigns call cell phones for GOTV?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

For the longest time you could not call cell phones in an efficient way but now Stones Phones has some exciting new technology to make it easier to call cell phones using volunteers or paid phone banks. We asked Marty Stone 7 questions on calling cell phones for GOTV. 

digital GOTV ads vs GOTV Calls

Digital Ads vs GOTV Calls: Should You Choose Calls or Digital Ads?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

GOTV Calls or Digital ads? If you are running a political campaign, you may have heard of folks replacing their GOTV calls with digital GOTV ads. As someone who sells and loves digital ads, I will tell you that I am not sure that choosing between one or the other is a great idea.

GOTV Plan: 15 Get Out the Vote Myths Busted

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Get Out The Vote and a good Get Out The Vote plan (GOTV Plan) is something we as a firm, spend hours talking about. There is lots of  lore, superstition, mythology, and bad ideas around get out the vote


GOTV Resources Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As we get deep into Get Out The Vote season, you may be up late at night looking for phone scripts or a 1-800 number on voter protection. Have no fear we are here to help. Here are all of our favorite get out the vote/ GOTV resources all in one place.

get out the vote calls

Get Out The Vote Calls Explained

by The Campaign Workshop

We talk a lot on our blog about the importance of GOTV. But what are some concrete, tried and true Get Out The Vote tactics that work? One is making GOTV calls to identified supporters.