ice cream cone  dropped on the ground -  Local candidate mistakes

Local Candidates- Don't Make These Common Campaign Mistakes

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Campaigns for local candidates are different than those for bigger races. While you will still have to work to raise money, local candidates will depend in large part on the community for the resources and volunteers that they need. Local candidates also tend to go without the aid of consultants or those with expensive experience working on a lot of campaigns.

Political campaign questions Little girl in stripes raising her hand in a classroom

Political Campaign Questions to Answer Before You Run

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

At The Campaign Workshop, we will often get calls from folks who are thinking about starting up a political campaign for the first time but don’t know where to begin. To get a sense of where they’re at in the process and learn more about their race, I usually ask the same four questions and then try to give them some suggestions and tips. But too often, candidates won’t have the answers because, in many cases, they just didn’t know the questions.