Campaign Strategy

Campaign Strategy Tips from a Political Strategy Firm

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As a campaign strategy firm specializing in political and advocacy advertising, it is challenging to keep strategy as a primary consideration in any campaign. Various concerns, such as creativity and budget, can distract and even overshadow the pursuit of long-term and short-term strategic goals. Campaign tactics should complement good strategy and not impede it. Having clearly defined strategic targets can make a big difference.

two people at the top of a mountain - Campaign Plan tips blog post

9 Campaign Plan Tips

If you’re running for office, you’re going to need a campaign plan. With these 9 campaign plan tips, you will give yourself the best chance of winning your race:

Man writing on whiteboard Campaign Plan

What is a Campaign Plan and Why Do I Need One?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

While every campaign comes with unknown variables, the more you plan, the better prepared you’ll be to manage whatever comes your way. The best way to be prepared for success is by creating a written campaign plan.

Beat an incumbent

Beat an Incumbent - Lessons From Winning Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Incumbents are hard to beat. Campaigns start out with great intentions, but if you want to beat an incumbent, 94 percent of the time, challengers- (non -incumbents) will fall short. Many folks try, but on average, only 6 percent succeed in their quest to beat incumbents.

women holding vote buttons

Women Running for Office: A How-To Guide

by The Campaign Workshop

Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, we have seen women running for office at all levels of government at an unprecedented rate—and winning. We’ve written ultimate guides for running for office in the past, but running for office as a woman comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

Campaign endorsements rainbow colored hands all doing a thumbs up-

Campaign Endorsements; Turn Support Into a Victory at the Polls

Campaign endorsements can make or break a race for a candidate. But how do you get them and what do you do with them? Below are tips on how to determine which endorsements to go after and what to do after you get them to get as much mileage as possible out of your campaign endorsements.

Cartoon protesters holding signs political-communications

Political Communications Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Say it! Say it loud and say it proud. Political communications can spread fast or move like molasses depending on how you use it. We live in a world where political and advocacy campaigns have a lot of ways to communicate and influence their community advocates and opinion leaders.

Don't be boring written out in yellow on a blue background

Political Campaign: Engaging Creative for Your Campaign Ads

by The Campaign Workshop

When was the last time you saw something particularly eye-catching in a political campaign ad online? We spend so much of our time online these days – for work and for play – and digital ads are everywhere we look, so it’s easy for your political campaign’s creative to get lost in the shuffle.

city skyline at night

5 Things your Political Campaign Should Be Doing Digitally for 2020

by The Campaign Workshop

From a small, local candidate race for city council to a statewide campaign, every political campaign needs to have a digital presence these days. It’s easy, cheap and one of the best ways to stay engaged with your supporters. Here are five things we think every political campaign should be doing digitally for 2020 (and beyond)

Primary direct mail Two young females sitting at a table together hugging one another.

Why Direct Mail Works for Primaries

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Direct mail can be your campaign saving grace. Running for office can be overwhelming. There is a steep learning curve with very little room for error and a lot to consider. Always remember that once you formulate a strong, clear message for your campaign, the most important part of a primary campaign is getting that message out to voters. What better way to do this than via direct mail? 

Image of a soapy window with a person scrubbing it down.

Ending Your Political Campaign the Right Way

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Whether you won or lost your political campaign, the 2018 Election Cycle is over. Like us, you're probably pretty exhausted. These past months you've likely been getting your hands dirty and working tirelessly on your campaign cause, and we want to help you clean up both your literal and figurative mess.

How Use Twitter as a Tool During Your Campaign

Using Twitter For Your Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Since President Obama’s use of social media revolutionized modern campaigning, sites like Twitter have become hotbeds of political activity, discussion, and advocacy. For political candidates, maintaining an engaging and active Twitter account has become one of the most effective ways to connect with voters and expand campaign awareness. While headlines are plagued with news of erratic and inaccurate Twitter updates, succumbing to Twitter mistakes can turn your account into a detraction instead of a tool. Here are a few of my tips to ensure that you’re ready for Twitter domination.