Joe Weston Answers 7 Questions

7 Questions with Joe Weston, Respectful Confrontation Expert

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Joe Weston is the founder of the Weston Network, which trains corporations, governments, and other organizations on communication, productivity, and time and stress management. Joe Weston works with individuals to build their self-confidence, enrich their relationships, and gain clarity in their life goals.

Leadership skills - arrow with one leading ahead

Leadership Skills: Everyone Has Them

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Every good campaign manager is always thinking about how to develop and grow the leadership skills on their team. Everyone dreams of retiring someday, but many campaign managers and organizers often think there will be no one to pass the baton.

Campaign management -a male and female coworker discussing strategy in an office

Campaign Management: Managing Up and Down in Politics

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Campaign management done right means everyone wins. When I first started to work in politics and was a campaign staffer, running campaigns, I learned how important managing up was. 

non-political books for politicos

Non-Political Books for Politicos

by Elena Veatch

When you get into politics, it’s hard to resist the all too common tunnel vision of focusing only on politics. But be careful – binge watching Veep or The West Wing is not going to help you run a better campaign or organization; nor will reading solely political books. So Here are some of our favorite non-political books.