Christina Daves

7 Questions with Christina Daves

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

This week, we asked Christina Daves 7 questions about her work. After breaking her foot in 2010, Christina Daves was motivated to launch a successful line of cast accessories titled CastMedic Designs. Following the release of these products, Christina became very popular and won the “Top Inventor” award at the Steve Harvey’s show.


Grasstops - to Step Up Your Advocacy Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

A grasstops campaign seeks to persuade the people who can influence key decision-makers. Legislators are often inundated with calls, emails, petitions, meetings, and other communications about a wide variety of issues. Breaking through that noise is tough, and grassroots campaigns, unless they reach critical mass, may not be enough on their own.

Advocacy Video on a budget

Advocacy Video That Won't Break the Bank

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Advocacy video is all over social media and across the internet. Video has really become an essential channel for leveraging support on an issue for nonprofits. It’s no wonder why, many advocacy organizations and nonprofits have supporters with compelling narratives, and video is a great medium for storytelling. But we’ve seen too many small or mid-sized nonprofits that still choose to avoid creating an advocacy video strategy because they have a limited budget.

Young woman recording user-generated content with a camera.

User-Generated Content for Everyone -Storytelling for Advocacy

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

During the time of COVID-19, getting together and sharing stories is an impossibility. So, when my mom turned 80, my sister came upon an easy user-generated content tool to organize friends to send a message to my mom for her friends and family. Five days and a few tutorials later, using Video Hug, we had organized a couple dozen 80-year-olds to send a message to my mom you can see the finished product here.  

planning on computer

Lobby Visits For Advocacy: Planning a Virtual Lobby Day

by Joe Fuld (He/Him) and Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Every year groups go to Washington, D.C. or their state Capitol to try and impact legislation. At the same time, they are there with a dozen other groups doing lobby visits and it’s even hard to get nonprofit lobby days on the calendar. Lobby days can be a complicated business, but we’re here to help.

advocacy training person writing in notebook

Advocacy Training Programs: Find the Right Public Affairs Training

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

We strongly believe in continued learning and leadership development and advocacy training programs at The Campaign Workshop. We even budget resources for our own staff to continuously learn throughout the year, ensuring they’re constantly growing in the areas that they’re interested in.

Picture of hands holding post-it notes power mapping
Member Public Affairs Strategy

Member Public Affairs Strategies to Remember

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Member public affairs strategies can be an amazing way to move your issue forward. Membership organizations should have a head start when it comes to public affairs strategies, but that head start is often complicated. Membership organizations tend to have bureaucratic structures that make it difficult to work nimbly, especially when it comes to public affairs. Because of this, some member organizations have avoided using member-based public affairs strategies and they are missing out.


Advocacy Research —Know Your Options

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Advocacy research is an important step in building a public affairs campaign of any size.  Advocacy campaigns come in all shapes and sizes from multi million dollar public facing campaigns to small grassroots community advocacy campaigns and many sizes in between. The advocacy research you need to build a good campaign strategy also comes in many forms and budget options.