Direct Mail IEs

Best Practices for Independent Expenditure Direct Mail

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Direct mail may not sound like an exciting medium for your independent expenditure at first blush, but if used correctly it can be one of the most effective ways to make a difference. Research regularly shows that when it comes to persuading and increasing turnout in elections, direct mail is one of the most tried-and-true methods in the campaign toolbox.

Building a strong independent expenditure direct mail program isn’t that different from some of the tips and tricks we’ve included in other posts. At the end of the day, it’s about being strategic and finding ways to think outside the box. But there are a few key things to think about when you’re running a direct mail program for an independent expenditure:

Facebook Campaign Strategy

Facebook Campaign Strategy - Build a Paid and Organic Plan

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When you’re getting ready to run, one of the first things to think about is establishing a Facebook campaign strategy. No matter what level of office you are running for, Facebook is one of the most powerful communications tools modern-day political campaigns have.

Political Digital Campaign Strategy -Man surrounded by drawings of social media logos on chalkboard in thought bubbles

Political Digital Campaign Strategy- How Should Social Media Fit?

by Elena Veatch

Whether you’re running for your local school board or the U.S. Senate, social media will likely be a prong of your political digital campaign strategy. Strong digital campaigns meet people where they are online, and the numbers don’t lie—social media remains an omnipresent force in our world, with more than half of the global population projected to use social platforms by mid-2020.

woman in a chair on her phone looking at her campaign Twitter account

Political Campaign Twitter Best Practicies

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Your political campaign Twitter account is a free and easy way to engage with supporters online. As a candidate, you’re going to get a lot of advice on how you should run your campaign and engage with voters. Some of this advice will be solicited, some of it, not so much. But one of the top political campaign tips we give candidates is making sure they embrace social media, namely Twitter. 

Instagram picture of hands holding up an iPhone taking a picture of a city skyline on the water.

Instagram a Political and Advocacy Campaign Tool

by The Campaign Workshop

If you're running a campaign on a tight budget and have an important story to tell, Instagram can help. Not only is it completely free, but it’s also easy to use. With more than one billion monthly active Instagram users, it would be wise to get on the “Instagram train” now!

How Use Twitter as a Tool During Your Campaign

Using Twitter For Your Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Since President Obama’s use of social media revolutionized modern campaigning, sites like Twitter have become hotbeds of political activity, discussion, and advocacy. For political candidates, maintaining an engaging and active Twitter account has become one of the most effective ways to connect with voters and expand campaign awareness. While headlines are plagued with news of erratic and inaccurate Twitter updates, succumbing to Twitter mistakes can turn your account into a detraction instead of a tool. Here are a few of my tips to ensure that you’re ready for Twitter domination.

social media mistakes to avoid

Campaign Social Media Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them

by The Campaign Workshop

In this day in age, social media is essential to any advocacy or political campaign. Every successful campaign in the past few years has implemented social media to win over voters' hearts and minds. Integrating social media properly into your communication strategy is particularly useful when you're trying to reach young voters in an authentic way.

campaign social media

Clinton vs. Trump: Social Media Campaign Strategy

by The Campaign Workshop

Social media campaign strategy has taken a more prominent role this campaign cycle than ever before.  Everyone knows that trump tweets,  but as Election Day gets closer and closer it’s time to take a look at what Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are doing on social media websites. To help analyze each campaign’s social strategy, it’s helpful to start with the social networks they list on their websites.

social listening

Seven Questions on Social Listening

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Jeanette Russell is the Marketing Director for, a tool we feature in our list of top campaign tools. will help you make sure you get the right message across to the right list segment through social listening. connects with most major CRMS as well.