"Vote here" sign hanging outside

Get Out the Vote for Political and Voter Turnout Campaigns

Get out the vote, better known as GOTV is the final phase of any campaign. The whole point of this phase is in the name: get your voters out to vote. This phase applies to electoral campaigns, voter turnout campaigns, and independent expenditure campaigns.

Woman looking at mail in ballot by a mail box - Vote by mail

Vote by Mail FAQs

by The Campaign Workshop

A hot topic for this coming election is how many people will vote by mail. With COVID-19 still rampant in the U.S., voting by mail will be a critical part of the November 3rd election. But whether or not you’re eligible to vote by mail depends on where you live, even down to the county level. Read on to find out more information on how to vote by mail.

GOTV -  Get Out The Vote letters in the word vote hanging off a clothesline

GOTV: Get Out The Vote - Voter Turnout Strategies

by The Campaign Workshop

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) or Voter turnout, describes a campaign strategy for candidates or organizations to get eligible voters to head to the polls or return their ballots by Election Day,  GOTV is an essential part of any campaign strategy and can make the difference between winning and losing an election.


GOTV Resources Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As we get deep into Get Out The Vote season, you may be up late at night looking for phone scripts or a 1-800 number on voter protection. Have no fear we are here to help. Here are all of our favorite get out the vote/ GOTV resources all in one place.