Campaign Mistakes

Campaign Mistakes: Warning Signs of a Losing Political Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Can you spot mistakes in your campaign? As a trainer and consultant for over 20 years - Here are some warning signs to help you spot and course-correct a losing political campaign.

Beat an incumbent

Beat an Incumbent - Lessons From Winning Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Incumbents are hard to beat. Campaigns start out with great intentions, but if you want to beat an incumbent, 94 percent of the time, challengers- (non -incumbents) will fall short. Many folks try, but on average, only 6 percent succeed in their quest to beat incumbents.

Person holding up gold trophy

Do Awards Matter When You're Hiring a Political Consultant?

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Lookin for an award winning political consultant? If you’re reading this post, you may have just found out political consultant awards like the Pollies, Reeds, Goldies and, more specifically, political ad awards actually exist. So, now you might be asking yourself if it even matters whether consultants you might be hiring have won awards for the work they’ve produced.

four wooden blocks in ascending height with white stars above the blocks.
Two people looking at phones to plan their winning digital ad campaign.

Winning Digital Ad Campaign: Plan First

by The Campaign Workshop

Looking for a winning digital ad campaign? These days every campaign has some kind of digital ad component to it, but how does that result in electoral outcomes? Results vary and really depend on what kind of campaign you’re running. Here are some clear steps to develop a winning digital ad campaign.

winning campaign

4 Signs of a Winning Campaign

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

After working with a few campaigns, you really do get a sense of what it’s like to work on a winning campaign. These campaigns share a few key qualities that ultimately contribute to their success.