Young folks using social media on a cell phone

TikTok: Engage Young Voters & Deliver The Youth Vote on Social Media

by The Campaign Workshop

If you don’t think TikTok is valuable, think again. Young voters made up a good portion of 2020 voters on a national and regional scale, increasing by 10 percentage points from the 2016 to 2020 elections. This upward trend is promising since only 30% of young people report being contacted by a campaign or party. Engaging young voters, especially on TikTok and other social media platforms, could make young voting rates go even higher.

Group of diverse, young voters

Young Voters Matter: TCW Young Voter Turnout Guide

by The Campaign Workshop

If conventional wisdom holds that young people are uninterested in politics, then the past two election cycles have been anything but conventional. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University, young people are more interested in politics than ever before.

GOTV Questions
snapchat for advocacy campaigns

Why Snapchat is a Valuable Political and Advocacy Campaign Tool

by The Campaign Workshop

Snapchat has created a new way to have conversations—from consuming content and messages to creating and broadcasting it. Through Snap, conversations are held in video and picture form rather than through texts, messages, posts, or speech; making Snapchat not only a creative way to get your political and advocacy campaign's message out but a new way to communicate it to a specific group of people. 


GOTV Resources Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As we get deep into Get Out The Vote season, you may be up late at night looking for phone scripts or a 1-800 number on voter protection. Have no fear we are here to help. Here are all of our favorite get out the vote/ GOTV resources all in one place.