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Tips for Advocacy Campaigns and Digital Advertising

Tune into this week's #WorkshopWednesday video as Martín chats about tips for effective advocacy campaigns in 2025, and gives tips for making the most out of your political or advocacy-related digital campaigns. For more information, check out our blog at

Independent Expenditure Direct Mail and Earned Media

Tune into this week’s #WorkshopWednesday for an overview of our most recent blog posts! Joe highlights TCW’s recent holiday book list, and two blogs with tips and tricks for independent expenditure direct mail and earned media. Listen to the dos and dont's for your IE’s mail program ( including checking with your election lawyer, as well as how to make sure you take advantage of any earned media you get by citing your sources, and more. Please tune in for more details, and we encourage you to head to our blog for more information here!

Direct Mail and Independent Expenditure Tips

Tune into this week's #WorkshopWednesday video as Martín has a discussion about two of our recent blog posts. He overviews how to make your direct mail campaign more democratic, as well as some tips for what independent expenditures can and can't do.  For more information, check out our blog:

Tips for Independent Expenditure Digital and Direct Mail Programs

This week, Joe discusses some of our tips for independent expenditure campaigns—touching on how to get the most out of your independent expenditure’s direct mail program, what your IE can do, and how to stay smart while you do it. He also discusses some common questions and concerns folks have about running an independent expenditure, such as what a super PAC is and who can or can’t create an IE. For more information, check out our blog here

Independent Expenditure Campaigns Tips and Tricks

This week, Martín discusses some of our top tips for independent expenditure campaigns. All IE success starts with a plan. Martín overviews one of our recent blogs and overviews how to stay smart, creative, and legal while supporting a candidate with a strong independent expenditure communications strategy. For more information, read our blog here. He also does a deep dive into 6 basic steps we follow to help accomplish the big goals in an IE campaign. For more information, read here.

Speechwriting Tips and Direct Employee Feedback

Tune into this week's Workshop Wednesday as Joe shares some of our top speechwriting tips for your political communication strategy. Joe walks through how to structure and organize a speech and uses Monroe's Motivated Sequence as a good framework for developing your speech. Joe also discusses our direct employee feedback model and how TCW has used this to enhance workplace culture. He overviews how a direct feedback model creates a more inclusive workplace and encourages accountability, as well as some of the potential challenges of incorporating this model. Learn more here.

GOTV Tips and Political Endorsements

It's that time of the year! Time to get out the vote! Tune into this week's Workshop Wednesday for an overview of some of our top GOTV tips. Martín breaks down the importance of GOTV messaging, lit drops, mail, canvassing, and more. He also discusses our recent blog post on how to get the most out of your political endorsements. He overviews the top questions every campaign should ask potential endorsers and tips for how to keep your endorsers invested. For more information, check out our blog here. 

Campaign Tools Trends and Navigating Grief at Work

Learn about campaign tools trends - This week, Joe discusses two of our new blog posts. First, he reviews the 5th edition of our 100+ Best Campaign Management Tools List and offers a quick breakdown of the tools trends we are highlighting this year. Read our recent blog to learn about tool trends and tips for your upcoming campaign. He also overviews our blog post that outlines our grief-at-work policy. He discusses why organizations need a policy focused on grief and tips for how to create one. Tune in here! 

Facebook Campaign Strategy and AI Policy for Nonprofits

This week, we dive into digital tips for this election season. In this Workshop Wednesday, Martín guides us through how to create a Facebook strategy for you next campaign. He talks about the importance of getting verified early and the difference between a paid and an organic plan. He also dives into our recent blog about AI policies and how to create one for your nonprofit. At TCW, we've recently made our own policy and share some of our tips for your organization's policy. For more information, check out our blog here.

Political Campaign Strategy and Advanced Micro-Targeting Tips

Tune into this week's #WorkshopWednesday for an overview of our top political campaign strategy and advanced micro-targeting tips! Joe discusses some campaign strategies and tactics to help you win and how to effectively target to reach your voter goal. For more information, check out our blog.

Candidate and Campaign Training and Member Communications Tips

Tune in this week for an overview of our recent blog posts. In this week's Workshop Wednesday, Joe discusses candidate and campaign trainings. Listen to learn some of the reasons why going through a political campaign training program is a must for candidates who are starting on their journey. Additionally, Joe talks through some of our top member communications tips. For labor unions and advocacy organizations, effectively engaging members across mediums can make a real difference in realizing organizational goals and visions. Tune in to learn more! For more information check out our blog posts here.

Digital Video Ads and Evaluating Campaign Strategy

Tune into this week's #WorkshopWednesday as Joe previews our recent blog posts and exciting content that is coming out this summer! He discusses the power of digital video ads. In the ever-evolving landscape of political campaigns, understanding the nuances of digital video is crucial for a successful digital ad strategy. For more information, read this week's blog post here. 

7 Questions with Joe Sangirardi

This week, we interviewed activist Joe Sangirardi. Joe is a LGBTQ+ activist and professional nonprofit and political fundraiser. Currently, Joe serves as the Development Director for California YIMBY, California’s state-wide housing policy reform and advocacy organization. He is deeply passionate about climate change, housing, public transportation, good government, and revitalizing the LGBTQ+ legacy of his chosen home, the Castro. In this Workshop Wednesday video, Martín overviews highlights from the interview, including fundraising best practices and tips for how to become involved in the causes you care about. You can read the full interview on our blog or listen to it on our podcast.

Deep Canvassing and Leadership Development

Deep canvassing and Leadership development are two topics we have been digging into. In this week's Workshop Wednesday, Joe talks about our interviews with Dave Fleischer on deep canvassing and Katie Belanger on leadership development.

7 Questions Interviews

In this week's Workshop Wednesday, Joe overviews a roundup of 7 questions interviews we've done with some of our favorite content creators, influencers, and authors in the progressive space. He discusses our interviews with Susan Markham, Daniel Hernández Jr., and Hal Malchow.

Deep Canvassing Webinar with Dave Fleischer

Tune into the recording of the webinar we did with campaign expert Dave Fleischer on leveraging the power of deep canvassing in your campaigns. Watch to gain valuable insights, tips, and tricks that will elevate your campaign by incorporating deep canvassing.

7 Questions with Katherine Miller & Tips for Leaving Twitter

In this week's Workshop Wednesday video we talk about our interview with Katherine Miller about her new book At the Table: The Chef's Guide to Advocacy,  as well as tips for advocacy campaigns. Joe overviews highlights from the interview and gives tips from our updated post on the nonprofits leaving Twitter/X. For more information, check out our blog here.

Digital Political Advertising

As we move into the heart of the 2024 election cycle, more people will be dedicating time and resources to creating digital political advertising plans. Tune into this week's Workshop Wednesday video as Ben overviews some of our top tips and tricks for digital political advertising.

Ballot Measure Digital Video Tips

This week, Martín discusses our top ballot measure digital video tips. Anyone who’s worked on a ballot measure campaign will tell you, that ballot measures tend to fly under voters’ radar.

Ballot Measures, Campaign Planning, Brandon Wolf -7Qs

This week, Joe overviews our January blog content. He introduces our 2024 7 questions series, which we kicked off with our interview with Brandon Wolf. SHe also overviews some of our updated blogs on ballot measures, as well as tips and tricks for campaign planning and campaign training. Finally, he discusses our choice to leave X/Twitter.