Why One of the Strongest Political Tactics is to Read the Resist Book List
Sometimes, books are the best place to get inspired and learn political tactics.
It has been officially one year since Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States. Even typing that sentence was extremely difficult. If you are anything like us here at The Campaign Workshop, you are still reeling from the effects of November 2016. There is only one way to help us heal from America’s worst-case scenario. Don’t get mad, get organized! To that end, we have put together an ongoing series called the Resist Tool Kit. This kit provides dozens of ways to take self-care and to fight the hand of the federal government at the same time. The first installment will feature part one of the Resist Book List. Below is a list of book recommendations that we hope will inspire you to join the resistance:
1. 1984 by George Orwell
On January 20, 2017, most of us woke up into a nightmare of epic proportions. The day that we thought would never come descended upon us. Every day since we have watched in horror as our President continues to be an international embarrassment. It truly makes you wonder how long it will take for members of the Republican Party to break ties with his shady political tactics and put the good of the country above the good of the party. The chilling contrast between this dystopian novel and the reality we are living is not hard to miss.
2. The Playbook for Progressives: 16 Qualities of the Successful Organizer by Eric Mann
As we mentioned before, now is the time to get organized. Unlike our fellow Americans to the right, here on the left, everyone is encouraged to stand up for what they believe in. Looking back at the successful protests of 2017, they all have a common theme of organization and clear political tactics. In fact, this presidency inspired everyone to rally together, which is we have chosen this book by Eric Mann. Mann discusses the importance of capturing the momentum fueld by the 2016 Presidential election, as this energy will be useful for the 2018 midterm elections.
3. Genderqueer: Voices Beyond the Sexual Binary by Joan Nestle
It is vital that we don’t allow those in power to silence all of the progress that we have made thus far. It is up to us to celebrate the voices of all of our citizens. The great thing about revolution is that it allows us to break down even more barriers and shape the world into a better place. Genderqueer, explores life beyond the social constructs of society and gives a glimpse of life without constraints. It celebrates voices that are not normally heard in mainstream America.
4. Between the World and Me by Ta Nahisi Coates
America is beautiful because of the diverse mosaic of Americans that make up our country. Although we all walk different paths and have varied experiences, we are all Americans at the end of the day. Coates’s novel explains his cultural background, life navigating society’s political tactics as an African American, and his experiences. It is raw, emotional, and a fantastic read.
5. The Resistance Handbook: 45 Ways to Fight Trump by Markos Moulitsas
Let’s face it; we are stuck with Trump for the next four years. Now is not the time to sit back and take it. This book lays out political tactics large and small to resist 45. Resist his ignorance, resist his fear-mongering, resist his bigotry. The book includes everything from changing social behaviors to donating to champions of the resistance. There is a role for each and every one of us to make this country live up to its potential.
6. Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest by Zeynep Tufekci
Unlike the culture of fear that swept the country in the McCarthy era, we now have the gift and the curse of social media. The resistance cannot survive without mobilization. Social media affords us the opportunity to gather up supporters and spread the message quickly. This book talks about how protests have changed in the modern world and how social media has spread the movement to new participants.
7. Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution by Andrew Boyd and David Oswald Mitchell
One of the beautiful things about activism is hearing testimonials from other activists. If that inspires you to get up and resist, then this is the book for you! Consider this book as a gift and guidebook from one generation to another.
8. Advocacy by John Daly
For those who slept through the last election and Trump’s vicious rhetoric jolted them awake, now would be a good time to become an advocate. This book breaks down the building blocks of messaging in order to have effective political tactics with thought leaders. Since every progressive ideal is in danger of being snuffed out, creative and effective messaging is critically vital now more than ever.
9. An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen
For all the fiction novel lovers, this novel is for you. This novel was written many years ago, but still, has lessons that many need to hear. It poses an educated doctor against an entire town, in a tale of truth versus ignorance. Sound familiar.
10. The One-Hour Activist: The 15 Most Powerful Actions You Can Take to Fight for the Issues and Candidates You Care About by Christopher Kush
In today’s world, our legislators are more accessible to their constituents. Talking to legislators can be a daunting experience. However, we owe it to ourselves and future generations to let our voices be heard with creative political tactics. This book makes activism easy with hourly actions. Imagine the influence you could have if you did an hour every day!
Stay tuned for more tools in the Resist Tool Kit, including more books. Reading is fundamental to the movement of resistance. Please join us!
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