This month’s political consultant is Stefan Hankin
Stefan is a political consultant, campaign pollster the founder and president of Lincoln Park Strategies. With over a decade of experience in market research, working with clients at all levels of politics, as well as the non-profit and corporate world, Stefan’s expertise on positioning his clients to succeed across all demographic and ideological groups serves as the hallmark of his work.
As a political consultant, what is your least favorite campaign term? Why?
“That's not what I am hearing at the doors". First, you would have to be very rude, or really not like someone, to tell a candidate to his/her face that you aren’t voting for them. People lie and are generally polite at the doors. That's where polling comes in. If you are basing your decisions on doors, or number of yard signs, or what your cousin's boyfriend heard on "the street" you are probably not going to be winning on Election Day.
If you did not work in politics, campaigns, or as a campaign consultant what would you do?
I would drive a FedEx truck on St. John.
What is your favorite vote contact method?
Digital - it is where the people are.
If you could create a new tactic/improve on a current one, what would it be/how would you do it?
The ability on digital to see who is really watching and an accurate measure that gets you something between impressions and clicks
What is your favorite state?
Massachusetts! It's God’s country: Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins- it is the hub of the universe.
What is your favorite restaurant outside of DC?
The White Barn Inn in Kennebunk, Maine.
What is your drink of choice?
Bourbon. Four Roses and Stag Jr are on the top of the list right now, but plenty more to discover.
As a Political Consultant, what is the strangest purchase you have ever made for a campaign?
Dragging a client to a proper lunch of Beef on Weck, wings & a Genesee Cream Ale while in Buffalo. OK not strange if you are from Buffalo but not a normal beer for most.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
Now that I realize I was not actually busy before I had kids, I would go back and take advantage.
If you could invite 3 people to Dinner ( alive or dead) who would they be?
The original members of The Clash, Well Joe Strummer and Mick Jones. Then would add Flea into the mix to cover bass (just because). This is all predicated they would play a concert after dinner. A couple hours of hearing about London Punk scene and then a concert, now we are talking. Of course, we would need a drummer but these are minor details.
As a political consultant, what is your prediction for the 2016 presidential election?
Hillary Clinton (with 308 electoral votes) vs Jeb Bush. (Given that this was Summer of 2015 seemed legit at the time. In my defense we predicted Trump a few months later)
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