Campaign Strategy

Campaign Strategy Tips from a Political Strategy Firm

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As a campaign strategy firm specializing in political and advocacy advertising, it is challenging to keep strategy as a primary consideration in any campaign. Various concerns, such as creativity and budget, can distract and even overshadow the pursuit of long-term and short-term strategic goals. Campaign tactics should complement good strategy and not impede it. Having clearly defined strategic targets can make a big difference.

advocacy campaign consultants

Do Nonprofits Need Online Advocacy Campaign Consultants?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Online advocacy and digital engagement can grow your movement and hiring an advocacy campaign consultant can help, but achieving real online advocacy results can be tough in both execution and budget.

Advocacy RFP Woman pointing to document in front of two men

Advocacy RFP Pitfalls to Avoid

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

The goal for your advocacy RFP should be to compare apples to apples and make the best decision for your organization. Check out our Advocacy RFP Template to determine what questions you should be asking your advocacy consultants in your request for proposals. At The Campaign Workshop, we fill out a ton of advocacy RFPs and have seen a lot of good ones and some not so good ones.

Campaign Manager, Woman in suit shaking hands with someone

Campaign Manager Hiring Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Hiring the right campaign manager may be the most important choice you make as a candidate. Your campaign manager is the lifeblood of your campaign. He or she doesn’t need to always be out front or be the face of your political campaign, but he or she does need to be prepared to do anything for you to advance your run for office.

Person holding up gold trophy

Do Awards Matter When You're Hiring a Political Consultant?

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Lookin for an award winning political consultant? If you’re reading this post, you may have just found out political consultant awards like the Pollies, Reeds, Goldies and, more specifically, political ad awards actually exist. So, now you might be asking yourself if it even matters whether consultants you might be hiring have won awards for the work they’ve produced.

Political direct mail stacked in folders

Hiring a Political Direct Mail Firm : Everything You Want to Know...

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him) and Joe Fuld (He/Him)

At The Campaign Workshop, we encourage and work to keep an open dialogue with our clients. When hiring a Democratic direct mail firm (or any political direct mail firms for that matter), there are a number of important questions that you should be asking during the hiring process.

political consultant

Political Consultant: How to Hire a Campaign Consultant

by The Campaign Workshop

For any campaign, it’s crucial to hire the right people—and in many cases, your team might include a political consultant. So, what exactly is a political consultant? How does a consultant differ from a campaign manager? Do you need a consultant? and if so, how do you go about finding a good one that you can afford? If these are the sorts of questions that plague you, this is the blog post for you: political consulting explained by political consultants.

5 ducks in a row. The second duck is getting pulled out by a fishing rod.
recommended reading from political pros

Recommended Reading from Political Pros

by The Campaign Workshop

We always try to ask the political pros we interview in our “7 questions” blog series what they’re reading. As a result, we’ve gotten some great recommended reading ideas from these folks. Some of these reads help shed light on the state of the American electorate; others will give you the break you deserve from the state of our politics. Behold, our latest recommended reading list, brought to you by experts in Democratic polling, messaging, political science, decision-making, fundraising, and beyond. Happy reading!

non-political books for politicos

Non-Political Books for Politicos

by Elena Veatch

When you get into politics, it’s hard to resist the all too common tunnel vision of focusing only on politics. But be careful – binge watching Veep or The West Wing is not going to help you run a better campaign or organization; nor will reading solely political books. So Here are some of our favorite non-political books. 

5 Books in the TCW Library

5 Books You'll Find in the TCW Library

by The Campaign Workshop

As political consultants, it's no secret that here at The Campaign Workshop we love words. We thrive on combining short, powerful phrases with impactful images to make eye-catching online ads. We dig into topics like GOTV, advocacy, and storytelling in our ebooks and guest blog posts. And in our office, we happen to have a tiny library (OK, so it’s really just a shelf in our conference room) where the staff can turn for inspiration, history or other political or consulting books once the crush of the presidential election is over.

Stefan Hankin