Advocacy and elections

Why Advocacy and Elections Matter

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

In the wake of actions taken by the new administration, remembering that advocacy work can have a meaningful impact on the outcomes of elections can be a strong motivator. There’s still a lot of work to be done, and our opponents aren’t going to stop anytime soon.

Advocating to legislator

Introduction to Legislative Advocacy

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

Learn effective legislative advocacy strategies with our step-by-step guide and discover how to influence policy in your community. 

advocacy campaign consultants

Do Nonprofits Need Online Advocacy Campaign Consultants?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Online advocacy and digital engagement can grow your movement and hiring an advocacy campaign consultant can help, but achieving real online advocacy results can be tough in both execution and budget.

Advocacy Message

Using your Campaign Goals to Craft a Strong Advocacy Message

by The Campaign Workshop

Advocacy message development can be challenging, so we are here to help! You and your team will want to develop a consistent message that aligns with your values, but at the same time, you will want to craft one that will be applicable to any number of audiences you are reaching out to. How do we begin to boil all that down for messaging?

QR Codes

QR Codes for Politics: Should I Use QR Codes for Politics and Advocacy?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Thinking about how to use QR codes for politics and advocacy? Whether you are in politics, membership, or advocacy spaces and do any kind of targeted communication, you need to think about how QR codes can be useful for your work and what the limitations are.

Digital Advocacy Campaign Magnifying glass over numbers

Digital Advocacy Campaign: How Do You Measure Success?

by The Campaign Workshop

Every digital advocacy campaign is different and has unique goals. Therefore, there are a variety of metrics that you should focus on depending on your goals. There is not a one-size-fits-all benchmark or metric to track the success of every digital advocacy campaign.

Issue advocacy campaigns

Issue Advocacy Campaign Guide

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Issue advocacy campaigns start with the best intentions. We begin with a coalition that cares about our issue and wants to make a real difference. But without a bit of strategic planning and issue campaign know-how, you will fall off track.

Woman smiling at phone - Political Campaign Ads

Political Campaign Ads: How to Get the Most Out of Digital Advertising

by The Campaign Workshop

Political campaign ads are part of every election cycle and we’re rounding up some tips on how to get the most for your campaign. In this post, we’re focusing on digital ads. Digital ads tend to be more cost-effective than TV, so you can reach a wider audience with a smaller budget. Where you run your ads and on what platforms is determined by your budget, target audience and the size of your race.

Rainbow slinky on a pink backdrop

Make Your Non-Profit Print Ad Pop

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Whether it’s for Coca-Cola, AARP, or your local 4-H club, the goal of a print ad remains largely the same: get the reader to take an action. That action could be buying more pop, calling Congress, or raising a prize pig. To make that happen, you need to catch people’s attention and then clearly and concisely tell them what you want them to do. A print ad can be expensive, so make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. Below are a few of the best-practices we have used to create advocacy print ads for clients that make an impact.

iPhone surrounded by holi colored bowls to symbolize choices.

Types of Ads for Digital Advocacy Campaigns

by The Campaign Workshop

There are so many different types of ads that it can feel overwhelming to choose which ones to use for your digital advocacy campaign. You can certainly use all of them, but there are some that are likely better suited to your campaign than others, depending on your goals.

advocacy campaign testimonials: A busy terminal with lots of people of all ages and races.

Advocacy Campaign Testimonials to Move the Needle

by Elena Veatch

Advocacy campaign testimonials have a unique ability to highlight the human impact of your issue. By recruiting community members who have been directly affected by your issue to share their stories, you can make the seemingly arbitrary stakes of policy decisions more tangible for people.

An image of piggy bank with money coming out of it's head

A Guide to Budgeting for Your Digital Advocacy Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

When you are setting up your digital campaign budget for advocacy, how much should you spend on digital advertising? Per unit, digital advocacy advertising is comparatively cheap – while you may spend several hundred dollars (or more) per point on TV, your cost per thousand impressions (CPM) can be as little as a dollar or two for digital advertising. That means that digital advertising can be a fantastic way to reach out to supporters and promote your advocacy campaign when you’re working with limited dollars.