Political direct mail costs

Political Direct Mail - What Do Campaign Mailers Cost?

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail What does it cost? How can I do it for less? This is a question that is often asked but the answer is not always as clear as it should be. To answer the question, think about political direct mail cost drivers: printing, mailing and postage costs are the major driving factors when it comes to campaign mail costs. 

size matter
USPS Streamlining
die-cut mail

Die-Cut Mail Pieces

Two things off the bat to consider are costs and timing. First, die-cuts add costs, so it's not something to suggest on every campaign. Second is the time factor, die-cuts do add time to the production of the piece, so this needs to be worked into the schedule. If you have the budget and time for producing a die-cut piece, then the issues become production related.

The Ultimate guide to Political Printing

Ultimate Guide to Political Direct Mail Printing—Part 2

by The Campaign Workshop

In part one of this series we talked about the characteristics of a good printer for political direct mail printing and how to find them. This week we’re going to talk about schedules and paper.