Production Youtility
I was reading a printing blog the other day in which the writer was emphasizing how printers should be selling themselves to designers, so that designers know the newest trends and are able to make cost effective decisions based on new technology. I was reminded of the book Youtility by Jay Baer. This was a book The Campaign Workshop read in a recent company retreat. This book focused on the future of marketing, customer support, and the importance of being useful to your clients. This got me thinking about our company and my position as a production manager.
In campaigns, it is not the designer who works with the printers. Instead, it is the production people who work with the printers. So, as a production person, we can certainly be of utility in political printing. When it comes to timelines, costs and trends, we are the folks who you should come to with questions or ideas. We are full of USPS information for mailing requirements. If we can’t personally answer your questions or address your concerns, we work with the accounts people and designers who can! We can also help to inspire new ideas and new trends in political direct mail.
Production people typically work behind the scenes on campaigns. While we enjoy the behind the scenes work, we are here to assist everyone on the campaign. We can be of great utility when you need us. Remember, we are here for you!