Union Printers

Why Should My Campaign Consider Union Printers?

by Stephanie Khani (She/Her)

Post-pandemic, unionization efforts experienced a surge of support in the public sector, from coffee chains to online retailers. It is estimated that in 2022 alone that more than 16 million people were represented by a union and 60 million workers wanted to join a union but were unable to do so (Economic Policy Institute). Public support for unions continues to grow in 2023.

Judge's gavel on top of envelopes

Campaign Mailer for a Judicial Campaign - How to Write Direct Mail

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Writing a campaign mailer for a judicial candidate presents many challenges. For most legislative races, it’s easy to say that you’ll “stand up for affordable healthcare” or “fight for a living wage.” But judicial candidates often can’t come out for or against a particular issue. If they do, they may have to recuse themselves in the event that they win and one of those cases comes before them as judge.

Political direct mail costs

Political Direct Mail - What Do Campaign Mailers Cost?

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail What does it cost? How can I do it for less? This is a question that is often asked but the answer is not always as clear as it should be. To answer the question, think about political direct mail cost drivers: printing, mailing and postage costs are the major driving factors when it comes to campaign mail costs. 

Several pieces of unaddressed mail/envelopes on a cardboard box
Dog sitting at the front door with the door open and mail in his mouth.

Advocacy Mail: Getting the Most out of Letter Packages, Part II

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

Advocacy mail does not always get the credit it deserves. Part I of this post takes you through the basics of putting together a letter package for your advocacy mail campaign. Part II walks you through making the most of a letter package that includes a reply device (buckle up!).

Advocacy mail, white mail box with a lot of letters in it

Advocacy Mail: Letter Packages, Get Engagement from Mailers

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

I have yet to encounter a client that doesn’t need to grow its advocate and/or donor bases, and letter packages are here to help! (Yep, I’m shouting about letter packages.)  advocacy mail letter packages are not the answer to every advocacy campaign’s needs, but in the world of direct mail, they can pack a pretty great one-two punch. They are statistically proven to be effective (people open them), and they can be formatted with a reply device, so you can actually list build with them.

political direct mail and marketing campaigns

More Innovative Political Direct Mail and Marketing Campaigns

by The Campaign Workshop

We had such a great response to our first blog post about innovative political direct mail campaigns that we are back for more. We have found three more creative political direct mail campaigns to inspire your next campaign and get your gears moving. Enjoy!

Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age

Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Last week we released our first ebook: Political Direct Mail In The Digital Age. The book explains why with all the technology we have, political direct mail in the digital age is still relevant. We explain how you should decide on direct mail and targeted communications strategies for political and advocacy campaigns. We also discuss the cost of direct mail, micro-targeting strategies and how to use direct mail for GOTV.