Hal Malchow Tells Us How Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age Is Still Relevant
Last week we released our first ebook: Political Direct Mail In The Digital Age. The book explains why with all the technology we have, political direct mail in the digital age is still relevant. We explain how you should decide on direct mail and targeted communications strategies for political and advocacy campaigns. We also discuss the cost of direct mail, micro-targeting strategies and how to use direct mail for GOTV.
We were lucky enough to have our mentor and friend Hal Malchow write an amazing foreword. Thanks to Hal and the great work of The Campaign Workshop team Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age is doing incredibly well. We hope you enjoy it.
Below are a few highlights from Hal Malchow's foreword:
"Why is it important to understand mail? In 2013, I was interviewed on NPR to answer a fundamental question. In this age of digital communication where messaging is instant and free why do we even need mail? The answer is that the technologies that have made communication instant and easy have made direct mail more important than ever. Let me explain.
Technology has empowered consumers and voters to choose what advertising they see. Don’t want to watch political ads? Record and skip. Don’t want to answer political phone calls? Avoid answering calls from unknown numbers. Don’t want to read emails? Unsubscribe or just don’t open. Don’t want to talk to canvassers at the door? Don’t answer. Well maybe looking out the window is not new technology."
Want read Hal's full forward? Download our Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age ebook.
Thank you Hal. Your innovations and writings have been an inspiration to me and the rest of The Campaign Workshop Team. If you have comments about our Direct mail in the digital age ebook, leave them here.