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Political Campaign Strategy

This week, we discuss how to build a strong political campaign strategy to help you successfully run, and win, your campaign. Tune into this week's Workshop Wednesday video as Martín overviews some of the fundamentals of campaigns that can mean the difference between building a winning or losing campaign strategy.

Training Tips and Advocacy Tools

This week, Joe shares some of our favorite training tips and tricks. We run all kinds of training from advocacy to politics, as well as different formats ( in person, virtual, etc) and share ways we keep audiences engaged. Additionally, Joe overviews advocacy strategy tools that will aid any successful campaign and weighs the pros and cons of each tool.

Patch-Through Calls

Organizations and campaigns have used patch-through calls for years when they need many people to reach out to elected officials. But in an era of cord-cutting and digital everything, will folks still take the time to get patched-through to a lawmaker? And will lawmakers listen? This week, we dig into all things patch-through calls to help you dial-in on a strategy to best use phones for advocacy.

Advocacy Videos

This week, we discuss all things advocacy videos and share our tips and tricks on how to develop a creative and engaging video. Tune into this week's Workshop Wednesday video for some of our favorite tips to get you started and ensure your videos are relatable and accessible.

Advocacy Engagement Funnel & Grasstops vs Grassroots

This week, Joe digs into what the advocacy engagement funnel is and how you can use it to turn supporters into engaged activists. He also digs into the difference between grasstops and grassroots advocacy and discusses whether or not you need both.

Volunteer Recruitment for Grassroots Campaigns

Volunteer recruitment is never easy. At The Campaign Workshop, we've heard every excuse for grassroots campaigns not meeting their grassroots recruitment goals. This week, we discuss 16 recruitment tips to get your grassroots campaign up and running.

Advocacy Campaign Tips & Remote Work

Executing a successful and impactful advocacy campaign requires time, dedication, and organization. In today’s day and age, there is strong competition from various advocacy issues fighting for attention, so to run a successful campaign, you will need to be ready to hit the ground running. This week, we share our tips for running a successful and winning advocacy campaign tips.

Advocacy Training - 7 Questions with Martín Diego Garcia

This week, TCW's Vice President of Strategic Planning and Training, Martín Diego Garcia, discusses all things advocacy training. Please tune in to this week's Workshop Wednesday for an overview of our advocacy training and what a participant can expect to gain from attending.

Advocacy Strategies vs Advocacy Tactics

For an effective advocacy campaign, you need both advocacy strategies and advocacy tactics. In short, an advocacy strategy is a plan to achieve an advocacy goal and advocacy tactics are actions to achieve that plan. This week we talk all things strategies and tactics.

Defining Advocacy

Defining advocacy, in the simplest terms, is about fighting for something you believe in. When we talk about advocacy, the issues and tactics may change, but the core is about supporting a cause or policy and working to create the change we want to see in the world.

Advocacy Plan

In the busy world of nonprofits, developing an advocacy plan with a clear strategy in mind is often overlooked. Organizations who put energy into writing a clear and comprehensive plan will tell you a thoughtful strategy and a strong plan are critical to campaign success, as well as short term and long-term organizational growth.

Lame Duck Sessions

Lame duck session is about to begin, and it should not come as a surprise that this will be a particularly busy lame duck on the federal level. Government funding, the National Defense Authorization Act, stock training, OPEC, January 6th, judicial confirmations, and same-sex marriage just to name a few things on the big list of issues for a holdover session.

Informational Interview Tips and Tricks

An informational interview is a must if you are trying to get internships, land your first job, find your next job, or make a career change. Not everyone is a natural interviewer or networker –  so, this week we share our tips for getting it right when it comes to having a good informational interview.

Political Yard Signs

Political yard signs are everywhere during elections—and we all like them as much as the next political junkie, but very early on we were taught that POLITICAL YARD SIGNS DON’T VOTE. This week, we discuss the pros and cons of campaign signs and what to consider before investing in political signs. We also discuss how to use them strategically.

7 Questions with Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank is an op-ed columnist for The Washington Post. In addition to writing for The Washington Post, Dana provides political commentary for multiple TV outlets and has authored three books on politics. He just released his most recent book, The Destructionists: The 25-Year Crackup of the Republican Party, where he analyzes Republican efforts to hold on to political power by any means necessary.

7 Questions with Bob Keefe

This week we interviewed Bob Keefe. Bob Keefe is the executive director of E2 - a nonpartisan organization which aims to provide business perspectives on environmental issues - and oversees their work on a national scale.

7 Questions with Nadia Belkin

This week we interviewed Nadia Belkin, the founder of Asian American Power Network (AAPN). Nadia Belkin works to help build progressive political power in Asian American communities and across other communities of color.

7 Questions with Author Gigi Georges

This week, we interview Gigi Georges, a Brooklyn native, who recently published her first narrative nonfiction book, Downeast: Five Maine Girls and the Unseen Story of Rural America. Downeast focuses on the teenage girls’ journeys of heartbreak and hope during uncertain times, creating a nuanced and unique portrait of rural America with women at its center.

7 Questions with Kim Rogers

Kim Rogers is the former Executive Director of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS) where she focused a lot of her attention on electoral politics. DASS is committed to both electing and protecting Democratic Secretaries of State. In this week's Workshop Wednesday, Kata overviews highlights from our exclusive interview with Kim Rogers.

7 Questions On Careers with Emily Lamia

This week, we share our interview with Emily Lamia. Emily Lamia has been helping people grow and develop in their careers for over a decade. She has supported countless people to network more effectively, interview more confidently, and think more strategically about how to get where they want to go.